Elisabeth Borne, a “tough” but weakened prime minister

by time news

2023-09-28 05:30:02
Elisabeth Borne, during the parliamentary days of the Renaissance and Rally of Democrats, Progressives and Independents groups, in Louan-Villegruis-Fontaine (Seine-et-Marne), September 14, 2023. JULIEN MUGUET FOR “THE WORLD”

When she climbs onto the small stage installed in the heart of the botanical garden of Tourcoing (North), this Sunday, August 27, Elisabeth Borne, wearing a cart blue jacket, has a voice that trembles. The Prime Minister is gradually regaining control, carried by a speech with chiseled arrows in the direction of her target: the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin. “Gerald (…)we know the difficulties of the French having experienced them”she attacks, avoiding meeting the gaze of the person concerned, sitting in front of her.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Tourcoing, Elisabeth Borne slows down Gérald Darmanin’s offensive

Married at not having been appointed to Matignon, the tenant of Place Beauvau launched into a political offensive, this summer, by gathering his support in his northern stronghold. Highlighting his popular origins, he is worried about the disconnection of the government, which could, he says, pave the way for a victory for the National Rally in the 2027 presidential election. “We are not interested in the middle classes and popular France by calculation, as the National Rally does”, Madame Borne lectures him. Anything that undermines the unity of the majority amounts to “pave the path to extremes ourselves”she asserts.

In the final blow, the head of government applauds an absentee, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, Mr. Darmanin’s anticipated rival in the perspective of 2027… “As soon as she can remind Darmanin “who Raoul is”, Elisabeth Borne is happy”sighs the deputy (Renaissance) of Yvelines Karl Olive, close to the Minister of the Interior, evoking the response of the Uncle gunslingers. “She gained confidence”snaps an Elysée advisor.

The autumn of all dangers

A month later, Elisabeth Borne lost her summer confidence. As in 2022, here she is preparing to trigger a long series of 49.3 in the National Assembly. This article of the Constitution, which she used to have the public finance programming law adopted without a vote, Wednesday September 27 in the evening – after having already used it eleven times since her arrival at Matignon, in May 2022 –, should also allow him to have his government’s budget approved in the coming weeks.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Public finance programming: Elisabeth Borne opens the 49.3 season, Nupes announces a motion of censure

A long way of the cross will stretch until the end of the budgetary sequence in Parliament, in December, punctuated by the tabling of motions of censure by the oppositions, like that of the left, on Wednesday evening. In March, after the pension reform, only nine votes prevented the government from being overthrown. What will happen this time? « It’s worth it »replied the Prime Minister during a meeting with The worldend of September.

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#Elisabeth #Borne #tough #weakened #prime #minister

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