Elkar has published a new series for children who like imagination

by time news

2023-10-24 18:13:53

Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 6:13 p.m.


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While in the school laboratory, Kati was standing on the chair and looking at the flasks with strange shapes and names, when she lost her balance and fell upside down. Several flasks fell on him, and as a result, he turned into plasticine. As a result, he can take any form and remove and replace body parts at will. “For a long time I wanted to write about a little girl with a flexible body”, admits Izaro Artoita in the presentation of the first book of the collection ‘Lina plastilina’ (Elkar).

It is a work written for children who like fantasy and imagination, but it can have “different reading levels according to maturity”, according to the author. “Since the protagonist has a plasticine body, he can do anything with his body, he can look like any creature, and thanks to this new power, he will enter the book and be a passenger in it”, explained Izaro Artoita. In this first book, entitled ‘The Big Accident’, he lives in the circus, and then goes on a sea voyage.

The fact that the protagonist is a traveler in the book has “made it easier” for the author to “nod to other books”. Thus, the reader will discover other literary motifs. “On the occasion of the monstrous bodies of the circus, I wanted to pay a small tribute to Julia Pastrana, in Mexico in the 19th century. To a bearded woman who was born in the 19th century”, the author said.

book “joker”

The adventures of Lina Plastilina needed “an illustrator who would spark children’s imagination” and the publisher turned to Joseba Larratxe. The result is a “playful, entertaining, funny and fresh” book, according to editor Antxiñe Mendizabal.

Larratxe has just received the Euskadi Prize in the illustration modality with the comic ‘Ni ez zain Mikel Laboa’, and shortly after finishing it he received the proposal to participate in this project, offering him the “opportunity to change the tone”. As the illustrator Irunda admits, he really enjoyed representing the character, and giving “various little ideas”. He said that since he has used color this time, it has offered him the opportunity to do something “playful”. “Each story has its own color character.” Coming from the world of comics, “my path is stripes”, and for this reason, he explained that he has given “colour to the stripes” in this book.

The first book of the Lina Plastilina collection is out, and Elkar publishing company’s intention is to make “two new publications a year”, as stated by Antxiñe Mendizal.

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