Elon Musk accuses Twitter of fraud by concealing number of fake accounts

by time news

Given Ruvic/Reuters

Elon Musk vs. Twitter has now entered a new round. Earlier, Musk’s lawyers had accused Twitter of fraud in new court filings by covering up the number of fake accounts, The New York Times reported. According to the results obtained by Musk based on the Botometer machine learning algorithm developed by Indiana University, the false account rate on the Twitter platform has reached 10%, which is much higher than the official value of “less than 5%”. For this reason, Musk made a decision to stop the acquisition, which directly triggered the subsequent lawsuits between the two parties.

“Twitter deliberately miscounted the number of fake, spam accounts on the platform as part of its plan to mislead investors. Twitter’s information has been slowly being revealed, and they have started frantically blocking access to information to avoid being exposed by Musk’s side of the fraudulent activity. ,” Musk’s attorney said. In the face of the allegations, Twitter said the other party’s claims were “untrue, unsubstantiated and commercially unrelated.” They claim that Botometer is unreliable, noting that Musk’s own account is “probably also classified as a bot” under the metric.

The lawsuit between the two sides has been confirmed to start on October 17, but before that, it is estimated that there will be many visits from both sides.

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