Elon Musk Meets with Donald Trump Amid Speculations for 2024 Presidential Campaign Funding

by time news

2024-03-06 10:17:27

The US presidential election will be held in November this year.

Former President Donald Trump has entered the field against the current President Joe Biden who is running in this.

Donald Trump has been meeting with several leading businessmen among Republican supporters as he seeks funding for his campaign.

In this case, there are reports that Donald Trump met one of the world’s leading billionaires and American businessman Elon Musk and requested funds for his campaigns.

Elon Musk attended a meeting with several dignitaries held by Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida.

There were earlier reports that the flights of both Elon Musk and Donald Trump landed less than an hour apart at Palm Beach Airport.

Whether Elon Musk will endorse Trump for the 2024 presidential race is still unknown.

Trump had said that Musk had voted for him in 2022 and he had admitted it himself. However, Musk denied this at the time.

Political commentators say that if Elon Musk, one of the world’s leading billionaires, who has so far presented himself as independent of either party in the United States, supports Trump, Biden’s chances of victory could be greatly reduced.

#Presidential #Election #Musk #Funding #Trump

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