Elon Musk’s immersion in a razed kibbutz

by time news

2023-11-27 15:10:58

This morning, Benjamin Netanyahu received American billionaire Elon Musk, whom he accompanied on a visit to one of the Israeli kibbutzim attacked by Hamas on October 7. The owner of network return to Gaza with several hostages in his possession.

Musk has visited the home of the kibbutz security officer, Ofir Libstein, who was shot dead while confronting the terrorists.

The magnate meets this Monday in Jerusalem with the Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, to address how anti-Semitism is combated on the internet, where messages of hatred towards the Jewish State have multiplied since the beginning of the offensive in Gaza. Several representatives of the coordinator of families of hostages kidnapped by Hamas have been invited to this meeting.

It so happens that a few weeks before the kibbutz massacre, the owner of the social network held a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister in San Francisco, where Netanyahu asked him to “put an end to anti-Semitism” or reduce its intensity. as little as possible” in white premises.

Anti-Semitic messages, like Islamophobic ones, have exploded on practically all digital networks since October 7, in a kind of parallel war to the one between Israel and Hamas. Study groups that monitor hate crimes on the internet have recorded an increase in speeches against the Jewish world of 919% on X and 28% on Facebook in the last fifty days. Messages against Muslims have also proliferated like a flame on a wildfire: only in the day after October 7 they grew by 422% on Elon Musk’s network.

Some of the initiatives appear really dark. A total of 46,000 publications have used the hashtag #HitlerWasRight in one month while calls to attack Jews have emerged. Experts consider that not only personal feelings about the kibbutz massacre or the lethal bombings on Gaza contribute to this unusual increase, but far-right organizations take advantage of them to spread their ideology and promote conflicts. The translation of all of them, according to these sources, has been reflected in the dozens of anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim acts that occurred in Europe, Canada and the United States, mainly. In the latter country, the Vermont Police reported this Monday the arrest of the man who on Saturday night shot three young Palestinians when they were walking down a street conversing in Arabic. Two of them are stable, while the third is in critical condition in the intensive care unit of a Burlington hospital. The 48-year-old detainee is in prison waiting for the investigation to determine if it is a hate crime, as the Arab community requests it be classified.

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