Emmanuel Macron wants the reform “to be able to go to the end of its democratic journey”

by time news

For Aurore Bergé, the hesitations of the right are responsible for the use of 49.3

The patroness of the Renaissance deputies, Aurore Bergé, attributed to the right the responsibility for the absence of a vote on the pension reform last Thursday. “This vote did not take place because of a party, a group that is no longer one”, she attacked in the program “Political Questions”, on France Inter, targeting the hesitation displayed by several Les Républicains deputies who pushed the government to resort to 49.3 for fear of seeing its reform rejected.

“You have to ask yourself if they really wanted to be convinced”she continued, believing that the divisions of the right are the product of a “internal accounts settlement” between Eric Ciotti, the leader of the party, and Aurélien Pradié, his former rival in the race for the presidency of the Republicans in the fall.

“There weren’t many people at the level”, she lamented. And wonder about “the credibility of an allegedly right-wing party that is not there” on a subject “identity” for this political family.

The member also targeted the left, recalling that she had voted for the Touraine reform which had increased the contribution period. In his eyes, precisely because it aims to consolidate the pay-as-you-go pension system, the reform protects the most modest workers who depend 100% on national solidarity for their pensions.

Regarding the tensions in the street, Aurore Bergé attributed the responsibility to “officials who call for chaos”. “Jean-Luc Mélenchon hopes to face Marine Le Pen in 2027, and therefore he wants chaos, he wants to discredit the Assembly”, did she say. She also wondered about the ability of unions not to be overwhelmed by their bases.

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