Employment cools in November and more than 11,500 jobs are destroyed

by time news

2023-12-04 16:47:27

This time the labor market does begin to deflate in the final stretch of the year, although still quite moderately, even more so if the economic and political uncertainty experienced worldwide is taken into account. If in October symptoms of cooling were already perceived as it grew less than years ago, in November it has already punctured by destroying more than 11,500 jobs, the worst figure since 2019, although Social Security continues to maintain the barrier of 20.8 million of affiliates, according to data published this Monday by the ministry.

Unemployment, however, has been reduced by almost 24,600 people to 20.73 million unemployed, a lower cut than the two previous years, but which – it should be noted – does not show the reality of how many people want to work and cannot. , since it does not include the hundreds of thousands of discontinued permanent employees who are without activity.

The tourist season is now over after a much better than usual October, with higher temperatures, which made the holiday season longer. For this reason, the greatest loss of members has occurred in the hospitality industry, which ends November with 115,539 fewer workers due to the closure of many hotels.

Education, for the third consecutive month, has continued to pull strongly on the labor market and has managed to offset a good part of the strong destruction that has occurred in the hospitality industry. 38,024 more teachers were added to the classrooms this month, which, together with the months of September and October, represents 322,000 more in just three months. It is common that in these first months of the school year, schools reinforce themselves for the school season to recover the positions that are lost in the summer, in that bad habit that this sector uses of firing before the holidays and then hiring again. But what is surprising is that this year begins with nearly 100,000 more teachers than a year ago, without an explanation being given as to why, since there is no increase in children.

After education, the biggest increase occurred in commerce, which has been reinforced with 23,257 more employees for the ‘Black Friday’ campaign and for the Christmas season that is just around the corner.

In addition to the hospitality industry, another 3,700 positions in the Public Administration and almost 2,600 in agriculture and livestock were destroyed.

The annual pace of job creation slows down, although only minimally, to 2.58%, less than a tenth lower than the October rate, although it is increasingly moving away from the 3% that was recorded in April or the 4% that was almost two years ago. In the last year, 522,000 more members have joined, a not inconsiderable figure.

Less effect of the labor reform

Unemployment, for its part, has decreased by 146,549 people in the last year to reach 2,734,831 unemployed, a figure, however, that does not reflect the people who want to work and cannot, since those hundreds are left out. of thousands of discontinuous permanent employees without activity. And this is demonstrated with two pieces of information: where are those 115,000 hospitality workers who have signed off on Social Security? Since unemployment in the services sector, far from increasing, has decreased. And the same thing happens in the Balearic Islands, where almost 90,500 contributors have been lost due to the closure of the tourist season, but unemployment in this community has only grown by just over 4,000 people.

In reality, unemployment has decreased in all economic sectors in the month of November: in services by 17,335 people (-0.88%), in industry by 2,654 people (-1.22%), in agriculture by 2,175 people (- 2.13%), in construction 1,072 (-0.51%) and in the group without previous employment it decreased by 1,337 (-0.53%).

The labor reform continues to have an effect on the labor market, although it is already losing a little force. Thus, if in November of last year more than 43% of all registered contracts were of an indefinite nature, a record, this year that percentage has been reduced to 41.5%. Likewise, the mortality of permanent contracts is growing and this month another 40,000 people have signed more than one permanent contract in November.

#Employment #cools #November #jobs #destroyed

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