Entanglements and humor to pay homage to the theater

by time news
  • Author
    Fernando Aguado
  • Direction
    Eva del Palacio
  • Interpretation
    Fernando Aguado, Eduardo Tovar, Eva del Palacio, Virginia Sánchez, Alejandra Lorente, Vicente Aguado, Ana Belén Serrano, Daniel Migueláñez, Luna Aguado, Trajano del Palacio, Milena Fuentes (violin), Javier Monteagudo (mandola, flute, percussion), Miguel Baron (guitar)…
  • Scenography and costumes
    Eva del Palacio, Fernando Aguado
  • lighting and sound
    William Erice
  • Place
    Fernan Gomez Theater

Thirty-eight years after its creation, it is not strange that the company Morboria Pay homage to Talia, the goddess of the most laughing theater, of the most vivacious and mocking comedy, and the one who, behind her happy mask, hides, however, that changeable being who distributes triumphs and failures, riches and hardships, joys and hardships to all those who feel seduced by her. Of theater and other ills is, without a doubt, a tribute to Thalia but, above all, a one hundred percent Morborian show insofar as it claims its own theatrical aesthetics that has to do with the burlesque, the humorous, the plot entanglement and, above all, with creative joy, putting a work of art on stage. light appearance that connects directly with the viewer, as Lope wanted in his New Art of Making Comedies. It is not strange, therefore, that his metatheatrical reflection is a reflection on what this crazy love of theater has to do with life, with the loves, the passions, the ridicule, the fears, the gossip and the gossip that the river of daily life drags in its current.

For Valle-Inclan the theater visited the Callejón del Gato, for Morboria the theater visited the Gradas de San Felipe el Real, the gossip of the town and court. In ‘Of the theater and other ills…’ it poses, then, two things that are the same thing: the theatrical biography of Morboria and its connection to Golden Century comedy. The references to Aurean texts are constant, as is equally the case with the plot itself and the setting of the play.

we are in a Corral de Comedias of the 17th century and, from there, the Time.news of a comic company directed by a certain Saturnino Carraca is going to rise that, desperate in its failure, plans to close it down. And that only the unexpected visit of the Duke of Pinoenhiesto and the proposal that they put on a show for his daughter becomes his salvation. A salvation not without complications, starting because the duke’s lover (a sort of Marilyn Monroe with a shrill voice perfectly interpreted by Alejandra Lorente) must be the protagonist.

Music, dances, a effective staging and an interpretative work that does not disappoint in general lines, make this work an elegant, courteous, ingenious and jovial joke. Only the excessive recreation itself makes it lose dramatic intensity. In any case, a show where Morboria vindicates itself and the entire theatrical tradition to which it belongs in a very deserved way.

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