Entities urge solutions to stop the expansion of wild boar

by time news

2023-08-20 15:24:00

The greater presence of these animals in urban and peri-urban areas is associated with easy food and the search for water, among other things, as verified by animal organizations and the agricultural sector.

20 ago 2023 . Updated at 3:24 p.m.

It is increasingly common to see wild boars passing through urban centers. Last week herds of them were seen in the heart of A Corua and Ourense. according to Animal organizations and the agricultural sector, population control is not working. The focus of the problem is not only their presence on the road, but also the daily occurrence of animals roaming freely near residential areas. Hence, in recent days the Entities have made an urgent appeal to the get together so that he establishes a plan to stop it as soon as possible.

The town halls also join the complaints, demanding a solution to the material damage that wildlife can cause. Until now there has been no human accident within the cities, but it is clear that you will be scared of finding an apparently enraged animal with sharp fangs in your neighborhood. The animal organization Fundacin Franz Weber (FFW) believes that the increase in the presence of the species in these residential areas is due to the easy feed access through garbage deposited in open containers. By this they mean that they are no longer satisfied with monoculture forests, much less, with the lack of water resources. In addition, in this way they flee from the danger of hunting, that is, they see them as safer spaces than the bush. , they assure. In short, the wild boars are beginning to realize that life is better in the city.

For now, the animals only come out at night, at times when there is little traffic of people and vehicles. Therefore, as a first step, entities require more night security. In fact, the measures previously adopted by the Xunta, in which they used raids as a strategy to curb their presence, were never a solution for the Entity. Thus, for them, a possible alternative is the implementation of less attractive public spaces for wildlife: Substitution of green areas by xeriscape (self-sufficient gardens), adapting the rest of the parks to deterrent measures such as fencing, and in the case of crops, including systems of electrical, olfactory or capture and transfer reaction (cages). Following, in turn, the projects implemented in other countries, such as the one of the sterilization of wild animals.

Rural damage is also a problem. From Unins Agrarias, they agree that the focus of the problem is in the damage caused by wild boars in the crops and in the attack against road safety. In Galicia they produced 10 traffic accidents and numerous agrarian damagesTo prevent them from destroying the crops, the association proposes that the use of cages be expanded to capture the herds that enter the plantations. Nor do they rule out hunting, as they are vectors for the transmission of diseases, such as African swine fever. However, they point out that the kills are not enough to stop the expansion of the species.

The Xunta responds and appeals to the collaboration of the town halls to deal with informative and preventive management measures. With this, the Environment Ministry refers to the need to control the weedy areas where the ideal points for breeding can be located, that is, to emphasize the forest biomass. Regarding roads, they intend to improve signage, establish wildlife crossings so that creatures do not invade the roads, and reinforce highway closures. Measures that are already in place. The Galician Hunting Federation, he also says, he is working on improving the planning of the drives, and thus move the animals away from the high-capacity tracks. Form with which the Xunta intends stop the overpopulation of the species.

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