“Entrepreneurs must assume a greater commitment to the country”

by time news

2023-04-21 20:45:48

Within the framework of the 135th anniversary ceremony of the CCL, the president of the business union, Rosa Bueno de Lercari, highlighted the current economic regime of the Constitution, which presents a series of successes that have favored the sustained growth of the country.

he Chamber of Commerce of Lima celebrated its 135th anniversary this April 20 at a ceremony in which the president of the business union, Rosa Bueno de Lercari, received the president of the Republic, Dina Boluarte.

During his speech, Bueno de Lercari emphasized that the CCL celebrates one more year of institutional life with a vision of development for the country with the proposal to continue working on a long-term agenda.

“We must continue influencing structural changes so that Peru is a fairer and more equitable country, strengthening our democracy and the rule of law,” he stressed.

In this sense, he considered that today is the moment in which “entrepreneurs must assume a greater commitment to the country.”

He added that this year the CCL continued to work in favor of business activity and economic growth. In this sense, he highlighted the work that the union carries out in public policy proposals to strengthen democracy, the free market, citizen security and formality.

Regarding the strengthening of democracy, he specified that the CCL joined the debate to propose reforms in the political chapter of the Constitution.

“We presented 15 proposals, we prioritized five that we consider essential to guarantee the balance of powers, the integrity of the candidates, preserve the political career, improve citizen representation and the quality of the laws. Currently, these proposals are advancing in Congress. We hope that the congressmen achieve the necessary consensus to approve them”, commented Rosa Bueno de Lercari.

In relation to the free market, he stressed that the economic regime of the Constitution presents many successes that have contributed to the sustained growth of the country and that the CCL proposal does not point to changes in the Magna Carta.

“This consists of demystifying the false statements that are disseminated in this regard and making the Economic Chapter of the Constitution simple within the reach of all Peruvians,” he noted.

Pacific alliance

On the other hand, he pointed out that the CCL enthusiastically assumed the challenge of chairing the Business Council of the Pacific Alliance,

“We have the challenge of maintaining the institutionality of this important integration process that brings together Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru and that has aroused the interest of the world. Adding to the important efforts made by the Foreign Ministry to enforce the agreements made by the member states within the framework of the Pacific Alliance, from the private sector we have assumed the firm commitment to continue working on real integration ”, he added.

He indicated that they will pay attention to citizens, youth, women and SMEs, with an emphasis on digitization and sustainability.

Injection of S/ 8,000 million

During her speech, the President of the Republic, Dina Boluarte, announced that the government will inject more than S/ 8,000 million for the economic reactivation and attention to the rainy emergency in the country.

He indicated that economic reactivation is one of the great objectives of his government. Along these lines, he highlighted the growth of public investment by 15.8% during the first quarter of 2023, despite the political and climate crisis and the change of authorities at the national, regional and local levels.

The president added that this represents more infrastructure works and investments in health, education and other areas, for the benefit of all Peruvians.

On the other hand, he stressed that the CCL has not only been an important actor during two thirds of our republican history, but has also worked and invested in the economic and social development of the country, promoting the social market economy, investments, fiscal balance, responsible management of resources, legal certainty and stability.

“Currently, this union represents a wide range of associated companies, plus 10,000 small, medium and large companies in sectors such as commerce, production, services, thus contributing to the generation of employment, the sustainability of the entrepreneurial sector and the expansion of our economy,” he stressed.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ana Cecilia Gervasi Díaz; the Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Luis Fernando Helguero; the Minister of Production, Raúl Pérez Reyes; the Minister of the Interior, Vicente Romero; the Minister of Labor and Employment Promotion, Alfonso Adrianzén.

Also present were the Minister of Transport and Communications, Paola Lazarte; the Minister of Development and Social Inclusion, Julio Demartini; the Minister of Women and Vulnerable Populations, Nancy Tolentino; the Vice Minister of Foreign Trade, Teresa Mera; the vice minister of MYPE and Industry, Javier Dávila; as well as other high authorities, associated businessmen, directors and executives of the CCL.

#Entrepreneurs #assume #greater #commitment #country

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