Environmental activists spray Gustav Klimt’s ‘Death and Life’ painting with black liquid

by time news

The famous painting death and life by Austrian painter Gustav Klimt was sprayed with a black liquid by climate activists, the Leopold Museum in Vienna announced on Tuesday (November 15th). “Conservators are hard at work determining if the painting protected by ice has been damaged”said its spokesman, Klaus Pokorny, while the group Letzte Generation Österreich (“last generation Austria”) claimed the action on Twitter by broadcasting images of the action.

Several other such actions have been carried out in recent weeks by climate activists, who have targeted iconic buildings, but also famous works of art in several cities across Europe. Environmental activists tried unsuccessfully in Oslo on Friday to stick their hands on The Screamthe masterpiece of the Norwegian painter Edvard Munch, to denounce the oil industry in Norway.

Read also: Sprayed tables, entarred statues, interrupted sporting events: this environmental activism ready to shock to mobilize

Earlier this month, two Last Generation activists spread mashed potatoes on the glass protecting Claude Monet’s canvas Millstones, at the Barberini Museum in Potsdam, Germany.

Activists also glued themselves to the glass protecting The young pearl girl by Johannes Vermeer in a museum in the Netherlands. Others threw soup on the one who protected The Sunflowers by Vincent van Gogh at the National Gallery in London.

Read the interview: Article reserved for our subscribers “Young activists have put environmental sensitivity back on the agenda, it’s not nothing”

The World with AFP

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