Epy Kusnandar Arrested with Other Retired Preman Soap Opera Players, Who? – 2024-05-13 00:50:20

by times news cr

2024-05-13 00:50:20

Epy Kusnandar. Photo: Special

jpnn.comJAKARTA – Actor Epy Kusnandar was reportedly arrested by the police due to a suspected narcotics case.

West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Commissioner Pol M Syahduddi also confirmed the news.

He said that the soap opera actor Preman Pensiun was arrested on suspicion of narcotics abuse.

“Yes, that’s right, the person concerned was arrested for drug abuse,” said Syahduddi when contacted, Friday (10/5).

Meanwhile, West Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation Unit Head AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga said that Epy Kusnandar was not arrested alone.

However, he has not revealed the identity of those arrested with the 60-year-old actor.

“EK was arrested along with his fellow retired thug soap opera actor,” said Indrawienny in his written statement.

However, the police have not explained in more detail regarding the arrest of Epy Kusnandar.

Actor Epy Kusnandar was arrested along with other actors from the soap opera Preman Pensiun, who?

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