Erdogan Condemns Israel and Western Backers, Calls for Ceasefire and Aid to Gaza

by time news

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan has escalated his criticism of Israel and its Western backers in the ongoing Gaza conflict. Erdogan called for an immediate ceasefire and the unhindered entry of aid into Gaza, while also declaring that Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, is a liberation group fighting to protect Palestinian lands, not a terrorist organization. These comments have drawn condemnation from Israel, with the country rejecting Erdogan’s description of Hamas and calling it “a despicable terrorist organization.”

Turkey, unlike many of its NATO allies and the European Union, does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization and even hosts members of the group on its territory. Erdogan also criticized Western powers for supporting Israel’s bombing of Gaza. He stated that the perpetrators of the destruction and massacre in Gaza are those providing unlimited support for Israel, and that Israel’s attacks amount to murder and mental illness.

Erdogan’s comments have not only drawn criticism from Israel but have also sparked a swift rebuke from Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who called them “grave and disgusting.” He urged Italy’s foreign minister to lodge a formal protest with Ankara.

The repercussions of Erdogan’s comments have also been felt in the financial market. Shares in Istanbul dropped by 7% on Wednesday, with traders attributing the slide to Erdogan’s remarks on Hamas.

These developments come at a precarious time for Turkey, as the country is working to mend its ties with Israel after years of strained relations. Energy cooperation has been the focus of these efforts. However, Erdogan accused Israel of taking advantage of Turkey’s “good intentions” and announced the cancellation of a previously planned visit to Israel.

Erdogan also criticized the West for what he perceived as hypocrisy in failing to respond decisively to Israel’s actions in Gaza compared to its response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Gaza conflict continues, with Erdogan’s comments adding another layer of tension and disagreement to the already complex situation. As the international community grapples with finding a peaceful solution, Erdogan’s stance on Hamas and his criticism of Israel and its Western backers may further complicate efforts to de-escalate the situation.

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