Esther Rada: “The world is very fast and rhythmic, sometimes it pushes the relationship”

by time news

Singer Esther Rada returns with a new album and new songs. These days her new single has been released, “You and I” which tells about a relationship and the reminder that sometimes love has to be rediscovered, in a conversation with Iris Cole on 103FM she shared about the songwriting, and its meaning.

She said that, “The world has progressed too fast for us, and everything is terribly fast and rhythmic, sometimes it pushes the relationship. I say let’s take a moment, remember a moment to breathe, look into the eyes to remember the initial love, where it started. Love started in that moment, before the kids and all the mess “And this thing pushes everything aside.”

She later shared that she was in the middle of filming for ‘Nice Butterfly’, “It’s very intense, we shoot every day from four in the morning, you could say I’ve slept seven hours all last week,” she went on to say, “the choice to do it came because of my mothers. Of a sense of mission in this, “she finally admitted that her 8-year-old son did not always enjoy watching his mother across the screen.

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