Eugenakis meeting with the farmers of Crete – “We are on the same side of the bank”

by time news

2024-02-10 10:50:11

The Minister of Rural Development and Food, Lefteris Avgenakis, held a meeting with primary sector bodies, agricultural trade unionists, cooperatives, representatives of scientific bodies such as ELGA and representatives of the local government in Heraklion, Crete.

The Minister of Rural Development and Food emphasized that “through the dialogue we certainly all become wiser and the people of the primary sector, whom we serve with reverence and respect, are certainly the winners.”

Lefteris Avgenakis noted, according to APE-MPE, that “we are not opposite, we are on the same side of the river and we strive for the best of people who work under adverse conditions”.

He then added that “we know very well the particularities, the difficulties, the problems faced by the producers both locally and nationally but also at the pan-European level, for this reason we work together in coordination”.

Lefteris Avgenakis characterized as interesting the meetings like the one taking place today, Saturday February 10 in Crete, as well as the one that will take place tomorrow (11/2) in Komotini and the one that took place yesterday at the block in Boiotia Castle, noting that through them the dialogue continues , in view of the meeting that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is expected to have on Tuesday, February 13 at noon, with a delegation of the bloc’s coordinator.

“We are here to fight for the fair demands of the producers”

“Most of them can be solved through dialogue and joint effort,” said Lefteris Avgenakis, pointing out that “the government’s intentions are clear.”

“It is clear that both improvement projects and serious interventions must be made, so that the life, everyday life and also the production costs of the farmers are reduced,” added the Minister of Rural Development and Food, adding that “as long as the economy develops – and it develops well – all the more we are optimistic about the next steps, the next brave steps of the government in favor of the farmers, breeders, fishermen and beekeepers of our country”.

At the end, the Minister of Rural Development and Food Lefteris Avgenakis thanked the farmers of Crete.

“I want to say a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the farmers of Crete, because in these difficult times with their attitude and their behavior, they have shown practical trust and support to the leadership of the ministry and to the government as a whole “, he said, adding that “we are here to fight for the fair demands of the producers, to correct distortions of the past and we are here with absolute confidence and aim, to make the agricultural sector of the country and of Crete better and prouder”.

Among the issues raised to Lefteris Avgenakis were, among others, the increased cost of production, the prices of products such as milk, subsidies, the transport equivalent and also the request that Crete be treated as an island region.

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