European heritage days: here’s what to visit for 1 euro in Tuscany

by time news

September 23, 2021 – 4:01 pm

GEP – European Heritage Days, the largest and most popular cultural event in Europe, are back on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 September

The GEP – European Heritage Days, the largest and most popular cultural event in Europe, are back on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 September. During the two days, guided tours, extraordinary openings, digital initiatives in museums and in state and non-state cultural sites will be organized, developing the theme “Cultural heritage: ALL included!” “Heritage: All inclusive”, chosen by the Council of Europe and shared by the countries participating in the event. As every year on Saturday 25 September, the ticket for the extraordinary evening openings of state museums will have the symbolic cost of 1 euro (excluding free admissions provided by law).

The Regional Directorate of Museums of Tuscany and many of its museums and places of culture present throughout the territory, for this new edition of the GEP, are proposing an articulated program of meetings, presentations, exhibitions, shows and concerts. Art galleries, archaeological museums, Medici villas, buildings of religious destination, will be open to the public morning and evening together with the many other non-state cultural sites that have joined, civic museums, municipalities, galleries, foundations and private associations, helping to create an extraordinary choral story that promotes and enhances the transversal richness present both in the great museums and in the lesser-known sites of excellence distributed in every province.

A Florence Extraordinary opens in the evening the Museum of San Marco with the Sala del Beato Angelico and its restored masterpieces and with the new layout of the Michelozzo Library, with the exhibition of the extraordinary Missal of San Domenico by Beato Angelico and twelve Franciscan illuminated manuscripts. The path of the sacred is completed with the extraordinary afternoon openings of the cenacle by Andrea del Sarto and the Chiostro dello Scalzo. At the Park of Villa il Ventaglio special guided tours are scheduled with the director and staff to discover the history of the Villa and the Park from its origins to today. In the Medici Villa of Petraia and in the Garden of the Medici Villa of Castello, the appointments of the review “I Giardini della bizarria” continue with new thematic visits, spectacle visits dedicated to Cosimo I de ‘Medici and the Queen without crown, visits with foreign cultural mediators of the Amir project, with the presentation of the volume dedicated to the “Medici Villas in Tuscany World Heritage Site” and with the presentation of the project “The streets of the Medici – International developments” in the Medici Villa of Cerreto Guidi.

In Florence, an extended opening will be carried out at the symbolic cost of one euro (except for free admissions provided by law) in the following museums: Gallery of Statues and Paintings of the Uffizi, Galleria dell’Accademia, Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Museo di San Marco and Museum of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. Reservations are required only for the Uffizi and the Accademia (as regularly happens every weekend) at a cost of 4 euros to be made at least 24 hours in advance. For info and reservations it is possible to call 055294883; Tickets can also be purchased online at the following web addresses: and

Ad Arezzo the Basilica of San Francesco will be exceptionally open on Sunday mornings with continuous hours without interruption for liturgical celebrations and with guided visits to the Bacci Chapel. The Casa Vasari Museum, with the new visit itinerary enriched by the new Video Room, will be extraordinarily open for the whole day on Saturday, with guided tours. The National Archaeological Museum presents a series of morning and evening initiatives throughout the weekend: the Art Bonus project “La Sala del Tesoro” with extraordinary openings of the Monetiere, extraordinary evening opening with tactile visits to the copy of the Chimera, finally visits with the director Maria Gatto in the most hidden places of the Amphitheater normally closed to the public. The conference “The illustrators of the Divine Comedy in the contemporary age” by the director Michele Loffredo is scheduled at the Museum of Medieval and Modern Art.

A Grosseto all the archaeological areas of Roselle, Vetulonia and the ancient city of Cosa will be open respectively with theatrical performances of the Rosellana Summer review, extraordinary openings of the Tomb of the Pietrera and of the Diavolino and free guided tours to the ancient Roman city of Cosa which dominates the promontory of Ansedonia.

A Lucca two days of extraordinary evening and afternoon openings for national museums and new opportunities to visit the exhibition “New studies on Matteo Civitali” at Villa Guinigi which presents two unpublished works, the Salvator Coronatus of Santa Maria Corteorlandini and the Madonna and Child of Colle di Task attributed to the artist at the end of the RIS investigations on the author’s fingerprints. At Palazzo Mansi you can admire the splendid colors and textures of the seventeenth-century Flemish tapestries that decorate the four rooms of the allegories of the Elements of the monumental apartments with entirely renewed lighting.

The National Museums are also open in the morning and in the evening Pisa with thematic guided tours to the Royal Palace dedicated to Ferdinando I de ‘Medici and to the portrait of Alessandro Allori in his new layout in the tapestry room of the museum and at the Museum of San Matteo thematic guided tours and readings of the verses of the XXXIII canto of the Inferno della Divina Comedy near the tomb of the Counts of Gherardesca to celebrate the 700th anniversary of Dante’s death. Extraordinary evening opening also for the Certosa di Calci with three rounds of guided tours in the evocative environments rich in art and history that hosted the Carthusian order from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, the large cloister, one of the 15 monks’ cells, the church , the numerous chapels, the refectory and the chapter, environments where life in common took place, and the noble guest quarters, a space dedicated to hospitality.

A Pistoia visits evenings at the former Church of the Tau dedicated to the dialogue between the fourteenth-century frescoes and the sculpture of Marino Marini and at Monsummano Terme at the Casa Museo del poet Giuseppe Giusti with the new rooms of the digital exhibition path.

In the province of lawn extraordinary evening opening and guided visits to the monumental apartments of the Medici Villa of Poggio a Caiano and in the necropolis of Comeana will open the grandiose Tumulus of Montefortini, one of the most important archaeological monuments in Tuscany, an artificial hill, now twelve meters high, which houses two tombs.

A Siena, the Villa Brandi offers the public for the “Eterno Present, music and visual arts” festival free guided tours and two free concerts in collaboration with Siena Jazz and the Auser association of Siena “Beyond all barriers”, classical and Persian music and contemporary for violin, cello, guitar and voices by MM. Shahin.

Finally, the National Etruscan Museum of Chiusi for the whole weekend offers “Tasselli di Storia” a program of extraordinary openings, educational activities and thematic guided tours for children and adults dedicated to the exhibition “(Re) writing the past: the Etruscan name of Chiusi and other stories ”and the most significant exhibits of the museum and their history.

All the details of the individual events, admission methods and costs, which are continuously updated, are available on the website of the Regional Directorate of Museums of Tuscany, in the links of the initiatives of each museum and on the website of the Ministry of Culture www. daytime events and evening openings.

23 September 2021 | 16:01

© Time.News


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