European Union | The European Transport Councilors meet in Madrid for the Spanish presidency of the Council of the EU

by time news

2023-07-20 11:29:11

The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda meets between today and tomorrow in Madrid the Transport councilors of the 27 member states and representatives of the countries of the European Economic Area, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Council of the EU and the European Commission.

It is a trip that is traditionally organized by the country that currently holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. spain since last July 1, and that will serve to publicize the infrastructures and transport systems of the country.

This is the first event organized by the Ministry within the framework of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union, which will be followed by another twenty meetings related to mobility, transport and housing over the next six months, as explained by the department in a statement.

Within the framework of this meeting, knowledge and experiences in the field of transport will be exchanged and the history and operation of mobility systems in Spain will be revealed first-hand, while innovative solutions are explored and international collaboration is encouraged to move towards more efficient and sustainable mobility.

The appointment begins with a visit to the headquarters of Senasa (Spanish public company in the aeronautical sector that offers training, technical assistance and aeronautical consultancy) to learn about the Route Control and Approach simulators.

Also will move to the Directorate General of Traffic, where they will visit the Traffic Management Center, and the Royal Observatory of Madrid. On Friday, the delegates will go to the Railway Museum and will also travel to Aranjuez, where they will visit the Palaces and Gardens, declared World Heritage by Unesco.

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