Eurovision 2024: And a second country representative refuses to announce ratings – “I don’t think it’s right”

by time news

There is no end to the “turbulence” at Eurovision 2024, as a short time before the start of the final, the finalist of last year’s competition, rapper Kaarija from Finland, informed that he will not announce his country’s scores.

The Finnish rapper and singer who came second in last year’s competition has announced that he will not be announcing his country’s scores tonight as he said it “doesn’t feel right”.


In an Instagram post, Kaarija, who was runner-up in 2023 with his popular tune Cha Cha Cha, said: “I have decided not to participate as a representative of the Finnish jury in tonight’s Eurovision final.”

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“Giving the points is not right.”


The announcement came just an hour before the start of the grand final and is the second person to leave the show, after Norway’s Alessandra Mele earlier said she would no longer be the person to announce the points awarded by her country. .

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