Every Jordanian has the right to raise his head to the clouds and be proud of his country – Watan News

by time news

2023-11-15 12:55:06

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November 15, 2023

Watan Al-Youm: Al-Ayn Muhammad Al-Momani said that the Jordanian position on the war on Gaza is a sincere Arab position, and it has its costs, explaining that His Majesty the King carried on his shoulders the cost of seeking help for the Palestinian people.
Momani added in an interview on Wednesday that Jordan is bearing pressure as a result of its position, but it realizes that it stands on the right side of history and with the side of truth.
He explained that history will Time.news the courage of the Jordanian position, the strongest among the countries of the world, and the ability of the Jordanian state and His Majesty the King to change the Western position and create a gap in the strong wall that supports Israel.
He said, “I believe that every Jordanian has the right to “stick his head to the clouds” and be proud of his country.
Momani pointed out that Her Majesty the Queen stood in the face of a flood of Israeli bias and opposed it through her interviews on Western media.
He recalled the Jordanian sovereign position, His Majesty the King’s European tour, his speech at the Cairo summit, and his contacts with European and American leaders, stressing that the Jordanian position was able to maneuver with a very advanced ability in dealing with what is happening.
He explained that Jordan has a history of credibility with the Western world, and that “we are now using it as an asset to tell the world that what is happening in Gaza is a war crime.”
The Jordanian position, according to Momani, includes Jordan’s rejection of displacement and considering it a declaration of war, “because it destroys the two-state solution, which is a strategic interest of the Jordanian state.”
Momani likened the displacement to “Israel coming with a tank to the border and bombing towards Jordan or Egypt.”

The humanitarian landscape in Gaza
Momani said that the scale of the humanitarian cost in Gaza is very high and places every free and honorable human being before great moral responsibilities.
He stated that Jordan is dealing with the issue with great caution, caution, boldness and courage, adding that the scene is complex and open to all possibilities, “These days are difficult and it seems that they will not end soon.”
Al-Ain Al-Momani believes that most of the expected possibilities and scenarios are negative, adding that there is a glimmer of hope for a state of global awakening regarding the necessity of a political process to deal with the Palestinian issue.
Momani cited His Majesty the King’s speech that strong armies do not achieve security or stability, but rather the political process and giving the Palestinian people their full rights.
He pointed out that violence occurs in Gaza and the West Bank every about 6-8 months, due to the Palestinian people continuing to fall under occupation and injustice, and this situation must express itself in one way or another.
He pointed out that Jordan always reminds that “the strategic solution is to deal with the essence of the issue, which is the occupation, and if there is a political process that gives the Palestinian people their rights, the series of violence will continue.”

Expansion of the war in Gaza
He says that there are two types of expansion of war, the first of which is; The entry of other countries into the wave of war, which is an unlikely option in Momani’s opinion, because every country wants to protect its interests.
The second, according to Momani, is that the war will expand in terms of exporting instability to all countries in the region, stressing that it is actually expanding at the level of public opinion and popular anger.
He explained that the state of instability and popular anger has costs for all countries, such as the cost of security protection for organizing marches and demonstrations.

The shift in the Western position and the role of the media in the war
Al-Momani adds that there is a shift and difference in the international position, and there has been talk about the necessity of respecting international law, bringing in aid, and keeping the military operation away from civilians.
He stressed that more pressure on Israel to respect the laws of war is increasing, due to the scenes of destruction, violence and killing in Gaza.
He pointed out that Israel is losing its international image, for which the world has historically sympathized with it, as a democratic, oppressed state surrounded by hostility, and that it was established on the basis of the injustice that befell Jews in various parts of the world.
It shows that this picture has changed and the world has begun to say that Israel is committing atrocities like those faced by Jews in various parts of the world and that Israel is practicing apartheid against the Palestinians.
Momani presented the decline in the world’s sympathy for Israel from 98% before the war to 61% after it, meaning that more people realize that Israel is not the glamorous image it portrays to the world.
He explained that using civilized means to express opinions is very effective and gains the Palestinians more sympathy and more pressure on international governments.
He considered that one of the most important battles currently taking place is the media battle, which is a battle that Israel did not win, according to Momani, due to many failures.
Momani noted that social media has opened up a field for the Arab world to deliver its message in a civilized, objective, and real language.

Netanyahu’s political situation
Momani says that the Israelis applied the theory of “circling around the flag” at the beginning of the war, in their consensus on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
He added, “There is a state of support for the government because it is in a state of war, but politically the government holds Netanyahu with any political, moral, or actual responsibility.”
It is believed that Netanyahu is losing politically and that support around him will continue to diminish, due to the Israeli right’s continued provocation of the Palestinians and its lack of attention to the peace process, noting that many observers of the Israeli scene believe that his political days are numbered.

King’s article in the Washington Post
Momani stressed that His Majesty the King’s article, which was published yesterday in the Washington Post, is a continuation of the royal effort to convey the Arab voice and narrative to the world.
He pointed out that through his article, His Majesty the King spoke to a very important audience in the world, in a language that was studied legally and politically, given that The Washington Post is the second newspaper in terms of circulation in the United States of America.
Momani reviews the most important points of the article, including the focus on the two-state solution and the humanitarian dimension of the war, and the continuation of the series of violence due to the absence of a political solution, and that Israeli governments will not bring security to their people if they do not engage with the peace file.

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