‘Every man for himself!’, life after ‘Sálvame’

by time news

2023-11-08 20:31:53

Samantha Hudson maintained that the presentation of ‘Every man for himself!’, at Habanera, a restaurant located on Calle Génova in Madrid, was a “quite iconic” moment, a relaxed reinterpretation of the last supper, although the diners found it rope for a while. There is some of this because the collaborators of ‘Sálvame’ had not been seen again in this snack format – more like ‘afterwork’, because there were even cocktails reimagined for the occasion with names like the Chuminero Mix – since the program From the heart it closed on Telecinco, on June 23 of this same year. Víctor Sandoval, Kiko Hernández, Chelo García Cortés, María Patiño, Belén Esteban, Lydia Lozano, Terelu Campos and Kiko Matamoros met again this Tuesday to show that, after all, there is life beyond ‘Sálvame’ and they did it with a chaotic press conference, full of taunts, interruptions and shouts, which was reminiscent of the program to which they have been linked for fourteen years.

In the summer, after the cancellation of the successful show, the eight packed their bags and crossed the pond to try their luck in Miami and Mexico, with the help of the same production company, La Fábrica de la Tele, and Netflix. Without having seen the six episodes – the first three, which take place in Miami, are posted this Friday on the platform; for the other three, filmed in Mexico, we will have to wait until January -, it can already be anticipated that finding a job opportunity goes wrong, to the delight of viewers. «I don’t think any of us here had any expectations of finding work. That was the Kinder egg and the surprise is the wonderful program that they have let us do,” explained Kiko Matamoros about this ‘docureality’ that follows the ‘troupe’ across the American continent in a kind of crazy ‘road trip’.

For all of them the experience has been “very positive.” «We have been like a family, sometimes we killed each other, other times we loved each other, but I feel very proud of these eight people who are here. There will be a lot of laughter and the spectators will enjoy, smile and escape from everything,” Belén Esteban said with the solemnity, and a pinch of desire for protagonism, that almost always characterizes her.

For Kiko Hernández, who has shared the stage with colleagues like Matamoros and Lozano for twenty years, the trip has allowed him to get to know them better. «In ‘By your side’ or ‘Sálvame’ – mind you, they also reminded him, with some sarcasm, that ‘Better call Kiko’ is still on the air – we were locked in a television set, suddenly going outside has been incredible because “You don’t really know someone until you live with them and sleep with them and see how they snore.” And, with the evil that characterizes her, she added: “We had to go to Miami for Chelo to speak.”

Much of the magic of ‘Sálvame’ was in the spontaneity of what happened on the set, something relatively difficult to replicate in a ‘reality’ that is based on elements already scripted and whose final result depends on the editing. Up to 43 people traveled to Miami and Mexico, in a filming that included five directors led by David Valldeperas, also responsible for directing the extinct ‘Sálvame’. Last Tuesday, Matamoros praised the work of the team of editors for how well they have played with the surprise factor. “We had no idea what we were going to do until ten minutes before,” acknowledged who described this experience as “tremendously enriching” on a personal and professional level, despite the “exhausting” work days. «I think that we have looked back with perspective and we have all understood this professional challenge as a gift and an opportunity to be next to the people who have loved us and who have hated us, of the millions of people who throw us away. less”.

Pictures of the trip to Miami. Felipe Hernandez

In this sense, María Patiño assured that the edition of the first episode, the only one that the eight have been able to see, does justice to what they experienced in Miami. «I have always been very reluctant to ‘reality shows’ because I like to experience things live on television and one thing is what you experience and what you feel and another is what comes out with the edited program, but here I have seen reflected what I have experienced,” he commented. For the journalist, who remained silent for fifteen minutes during the press conference until Lydia Lozano and Kiko Hernández spoke of her as the great revelation of the reality show, the experience has been “healing.” «I have been working in television for 24 years, I have been lucky enough to do everything and I have never felt as proud of a job as I do with this one. If I admired my colleagues, now I get on my knees, because I have always worked thinking about the public, but many times we do it exhausted and when I have seen these people do what they know how to do, which is entertain, I said: ‘Holy shit! , IM so lucky!’. If we manage to make you crazy, I swear I don’t want to ask for anything else because that’s the only thing the eight of us want.”

Other realities

This new program, which will be launched in 192 countries at the same time, has also allowed them to learn about the television reality of Miami and Mexico and confirm that, as Hernández said, “there is nothing like ‘Sálvame’.” What’s more, the collaborators tried their luck at ‘Siéntese Who Can’, a program that is made in Miami and is inspired by ‘Sálvame’ and it had little to do with it. “I was very surprised by the lack of spontaneity, everyone has a headset and everyone knows how to interact,” explained Patiño, surprised by the expensive standard of living there: “To live comfortably you have to work three times as hard.” , and in Mexico the level of programs and series is such that it is very difficult to stand out.

And although they often went unnoticed in the crowd, the incursions into the Cuban neighborhood of Miami did earn them their fair share of popularity. Lozano remembered, for example, how a waiter came to congratulate Kiko Hernández on her future wedding to Fran Antón or that a lady chased Patiño because she knew Rocío Jurado and wanted to show her the photos she had at home of the greatest . “She told me: ‘You are the crybaby,'” the journalist, creator of the chuminero dance, recalled jokingly. Hernández, next to her, launched the exclusive: “In ‘Save whoever can!’ “Lydia cries,” she commented between laughs, although Patiño insisted that this time she has surpassed her. “Kiko said that she was the Bustamante of ‘reality’,” she assumed. Not in vain, Víctor Sandoval appealed in this debut not only to the humor of the space, but also to emotions. “I would love for you to have fun, but also for you to be moved because there is a very emotional part of all of us and I think there are many people who you see as bad that you are going to realize that they also have a heart,” he said, pointing. to Matamoros.

There was no shortage of taunts and attacks on his former home, Mediaset. “It’s so easy to work without being given a list of people you can’t talk about,” Belén Esteban dropped in relation to the ethical code of the communication group that drew the first red line in ‘Sálvame’, shortly after singing the ‘Freedom without anger’ by Jarcha. The town’s princess, who turns fifty this Thursday, confirmed during the press conference that Mediaset and La Fábrica de la Tele have split things up and went further: “If I don’t tell you, I’ll burst. The only money that Mediaset is going to earn this year is from Netflix, not from what it does, that’s clear. Esteban even assured that she appreciated Ana Rosa Quintana, but that she would not see her in a hypothetical second season “because she is very busy in ‘TardeAR’.”

«The only money that Mediaset is going to earn this year is from Netflix, not from what it does, that’s clear»

Much of the final stretch of the press conference focused precisely on the future employment of the eight. “I hope that the objectives for which we have been hired are met and we do not two, but fourteen seasons, and we can ask for more money,” said Matamoros. Is it possible that the reality show opens the door to another type of space more similar to ‘Sálvame’? Chelo García Cortés, María Patiño and Lydia Lozano were in favor. «I would love for Netflix to take a risk and do like Prime Video is going to do with ‘Operación Triunfo’, which is going to broadcast it live. Since ‘Salvame’ ended, I have noticed that people want us to come back,” Lozano explained. Matamoros, on the other hand, made it clear that he prefers to work rather little: “I’m older now and if this can be done every six months, it would be great, but not working every day, I’ve been like this for almost 50 years.”

For now, the followers of ‘Sálvame’ will have to settle for ‘Sálvese who can!’, a ‘reality’ in which, Terelu Campos said, “you are going to find the essence of ‘Sálvame’ and the detractors are going to love it.” because they are going to find many reasons to strip us of our skin. “What you are going to see is our essence, without filters, as we are,” Sandoval corroborated.

The personality of each one plays in favor of the space. «The thing is that – Campos reflected – the success of ‘Sálvame’ had a lot to do with how different and marked our profiles were. “A ‘Save me’ with fourteen Terelus would have been horrible.” By the way, most of them agree that if they had been able to nominate, they would have nominated Terelu, including Terelu herself. “From the airport I thought she was a pain in the ass of a woman… Until she changed and realized that she had to be autonomous,” said Matamoros, who assures that now she would not nominate anyone, not even Lydia Lozano, with whom He has had his pluses and minuses throughout his entire television career. “That’s what friendship is, I’ll give birth to you and tomorrow we’ll eat an entrecôte together,” replied Hernández, who apparently has become very good friends with Lozano again on this trip.

#man #life #Sálvame

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