“Every time we meet” Failure in music subjects at upper secondary school: – Lack of character

by time news

This Saturday, it is the Norwegian singer and songwriter, Emelie Hollow, who is being celebrated on Kjerringøy in “Hver gang vi møtes”.

In the program she is praised by her artist colleagues Ramón Torres Andresen (26), William Kristoffersen, Tom Stræte Lagergren (32), Ingrid Helene Håvik (36), Odin Staveland, and Mari Boine (67).

– I have always been very moved by art and music. But I think something happened to me when I was in “Every time we meet”. Being so close to each other and hearing people’s life stories was powerful. The songs take on a new meaning when you have heard the back story, and then you get close and become emotional, Hollow tells TV 2.

EMELIE’S DAY: From left: Tom Stræte “Matoma” Lagergren, Mari Boine, Ramón Torres Andresen, Ingrid Helene Håvik, Odin Staveland and William Kristoffersen pay tribute to Emelie Hollow. Photo: Pinakkel Studio // Vegard Breie

MGP winner with Tix

At the age of 12, her first self-written song was published by Universal Music, after she won a song competition organized by P4. In 2018, she collaborated with Alan Walker on the song “Lily”, which has been streamed over two billion times worldwide.

In 2021, she released two albums. First the album “This Stays Between Us”, together with writer Alexander Kielland Krag, and then his first solo album “Half The Story”.

PRACTICE BEFORE TOUR: Emelie Hollow with her band at practice. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

She was nominated for the Spellemannprisen 2021 in the category for songwriter of the year. Emilie has written songs with, among others, Seeb, Emma Steinbakken, Alexander Oscar and Jesper Jenset.

She also wrote the English lyrics for “Fallen Angel”, with which TIX won the “Melodi Grand Prix” in 2021.

Degree in music

Emelie Hollow was in the TV program “The Stream” on TV 2 and balanced artist life and schooling in 2016. She spent a lot of time practicing and being present at the start of her career, at the same time she was in her last year at high school.

THE STREAM: Emelie Hollow performs in the TV 2 program “The stream” in January 2017. Photo: Robert Holand/TV 2

This happened when the new absence limit was introduced, which was 10 per cent in all subjects. Her talent was in music, so the reason she had a lot of absences was precisely because she was involved in music. She had been signed and was at the start of a career.

This meant that she ended up not getting a diploma and she was unable to finish high school.

– This was a new arrangement, so nobody quite knew how to deal with it. So in that sense, you can’t blame the teachers either. I failed in music and inside I was devastated, because I have always followed the rules and been a good girl. It was a real lack of character not to finish upper secondary school and get an artium, says the 26-year-old to TV 2.

FAIL IN MUSIC: Emelie Hollow found it difficult to fail in music and not get artium. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

Hollow took up subjects later, and then things worked out for her.

Now in retrospect, she takes it all with a big smile, and is not bitter, but as a 19-year-old, it was hard for her then and there.

– It has gone very well for me, and it was in a way a positive thing, because it really threw me into music, and then I kind of had no choice. Then I had to work a lot, write music and get into the industry. Showing that things will work out even if it doesn’t always go according to the book is important, she says.

Success with Alan Walker

As co-songwriter and vocalist on Alan Walker’s “Lily”, Emelie Hollow experienced great success in 2018.

When Walker asked her about a musical collaboration with the song and that she should be a so-called “featuring artist”, it was a matter of course for her.

– I was at a music camp for songwriters when I wrote “Lily”. I felt I had managed to trick myself in and had to make the best of it. The song was intended as an album track, and then it took off and became number one in Indonesia, and on Billboard in the US. It was strange, because I didn’t get any sense of success. But it was fun that the song stuck, and I still get feedback on it, she says.

– I sing like a child

The 26-year-old has made a name for himself with his strong musicality, songwriting flair and not least for his beautiful vocals.

DISTINCTIVE VOICE: Emelie Hollow has a big soapy note to her voice, and is heard to sing like a child. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

Hollow has a distinctive way of singing and she is fully aware of that. She has a great range in her vocals, which can sometimes sound razor sharp, other times like soft whispers.

– I often hear that I sing like a child. I went to singing lessons when I was little, and then my singing teacher told me that it was important to listen to great artists. But I should never imitate and try and sound like someone else, but sing with my own voice, she says.

Emelie Hollow outside the rehearsal room in Oslo. Photo: Frode Sunde / TV 2

Festivals and autumn tour

Participating in “Hver gang vi mødes” has been a big deal for the young artist. Last week she did an interpretation of the Ole Ivars song “Je veit du er borte” and she has received a lot of good feedback on it.

She thinks this is great and hopes that these songs are songs she can take with her to festivals and tours in the autumn.

– Right now it’s boiling quite a lot, but that’s because I like to do everything at once. I work a lot in the studio to write new material, and am in the process of band rehearsals to prepare for a tour this summer. I’m also going on an autumn tour and that requires a lot of work and preparations, so now I’m in that phase, Hollow concludes.

Watch “Every time we meet” on Saturdays at 20.00 on TV 2 Direkte, and whenever you want on TV 2 Play.

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