Every year in Italy about 100 thousand burns, at the start of the course for health workers

by time news

It can happen at home while cooking on the stove. Or in the bathroom while using the hair straightener. But also on the beach after a day under the scorching sun or on the street leaning on the muffler of the mopeds. Burns are among the most common accidents in the home and beyond. It is estimated that in Italy about 100 thousand occur per year. And after the forest fires that have crossed Italy, the number has increased. “Knowing how to recognize them is fundamental, both to avoid immediate actions that can worsen the situation and to intervene promptly in particularly serious cases”. This is the goal of the Ecm professional training course of Health In-Training for Consulcesi Club, ‘Burns: classification, diagnosis and treatment‘.

“Burns represent a significant problem due to the commitment necessary for their treatment and the disabling results that often follow – they explain Rosario Ranno, director of the UOC major burns and plastic surgery and Maria Giardina, medical director of the UOC major risks and plastic surgery, both at the Cannizzaro emergency hospital in Catania – Those affected, whether they are adults or children, may require specialist care with stays in intensive care, and with disabling scarring that can reduce the return to social life for long times and sometimes with permanent physical and mental disabilities “.

The course consists of video lessons accompanied by in-depth didactic materials. “It is essential that healthcare professionals know how to distinguish between a I, II and III degree burn”, underlines Ranno. “Burns are the third leading cause of death in the world and the prognosis of patients very often depends on what is done (or not done) in the first 48-72 hours“, he adds.

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