Everything about the coffee specialty and its perfect preparation

by time news

The Flat White – a term that has been inexorably sweeping through the world of coffee culture in recent years. But what is actually behind this mysterious drink? Is the Flat White just another coffee trend or is there more to it?

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What is a Flat White?

The Flat White is not an ordinary cup of coffee, but a special coffee specialty that has its origins in Australia or New Zealand, depending on who you believe. The basic ingredients are one or two ristretto espressos that are mixed with fine-pored milk foam. In contrast to a cappuccino, which has a solid milk foam top, the milk foam in a flat white is flatter and covers the entire surface of the drink. This special texture of the milk foam is an essential feature of the Flat White and, in addition to its name, also gives it its characteristic look and mouthfeel.

Compared to other coffee specialties such as cappuccino or latte, the Flat White offers a more intense coffee experience because the ratio of espresso to milk is different. While a cappuccino has the same ratio of espresso, milk and milk foam, a flat white contains less milk and more coffee, resulting in a stronger coffee taste. This intensity of taste makes the Flat White a popular choice for coffee lovers who are looking for a strong yet creamy drink.

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Flat White Recipe: How is the coffee specialty prepared?

Preparing a flat white is an art in itself and requires skill, precision and attention to detail. The process begins with the extraction of one or two ristretto espressos, which form the base of the drink. These are placed in a preheated cup to maintain the temperature of the coffee and preserve the aroma.

Then comes the preparation of the milk foam, which forms the heart of the Flat White. The milk is carefully frothed to achieve a fine and creamy texture. Unlike a cappuccino, where the milk foam is firmer, the milk foam for a flat white must be frothed into a particularly fine-pored form. This gives the drink a soft and pleasant texture that harmonizes perfectly with the strong taste of the espresso.

In addition to the correct consistency, pouring the milk foam is also very important for the characteristic look of the Flat White. The foam is gently poured into the cup, making sure that it is evenly distributed throughout the espresso. In addition to some practice, this requires a steady hand and a trained eye to ensure that the Flat White retains its characteristic flat surface.

The art of the Flat White lies not only in its preparation, but also in its presentation. Many baristas take the opportunity to create artistic designs using milk foam on the surface of the drink, a technique known as latte art.

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Overall, preparing a flat white is a demanding process that requires both craft and creativity. But the result is a delicious and aromatic drink that delights coffee lovers all over the world.

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