Exaggerated? The cartoon in the ultra-Orthodox newspapers against Kahana

by time news

Knitted News09.12.21 20:19 Thursday in Tevet

Exaggerated?  The cartoon in the ultra-Orthodox newspapers against Kahana

(Photo: Oliver Fitoussi / Flash 90)

The ultra-Orthodox media continues to sharply attack Minister of Religions Matan Kahana, following the reforms in conversion and kosher that he plans to implement.

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The weekend issues of the ultra-Orthodox newspapers Mishpacha and HaMevasser exacerbate the attack on Kahana, and publish controversial cartoons portraying Kahana as someone who came to make changes to Shulchan Aruch and as someone who stabbed the Torah.

In an article by the knitted journalist, Dvir Amar, in the newspaper “Mishpacha”, monologues from a number of rabbis from religious Zionism were quoted, which are strongly opposed to Kahana’s reforms.

Matan Kahana in the Plenum, Archive (Photo: Knesset Channel)

On the front page of the newspaper are the words ‘Shulchan Aruch’ with scribbles in red above them, and below it is written “Matan Kahana Edition”.

In addition, the cartoon of the Mevasser newspaper shows a hand being sent to the Ark in which a Torah scroll is placed. The hand is seen holding a knife with the words “Conversion Reform” written on it, as she is on her way to stab the Torah scroll.

The cartoon in the Herald newspaper

The attack in the ultra-Orthodox press comes after the severe attack by MKs Aryeh Deri and Moshe Gafni on Kahana a few days ago.

Kahana himself responded to the two in a long post he wrote on his Facebook page: “I heard the words of MK Deri who claimed that we are murderers and more dangerous than the Iranian nuclear and that we” want to throw away all the tefillin, the tassel and burn the Shabbat. “

“I also heard MK Gafni say,” Do not be afraid to do the hardest things … We must fight with all our might, take off our gloves. This is a war between Jewish life and death. “

The front page of the newspaper ‘Family’

Kahana went on to write: “Are you okay? What happened? What kind of destruction are you talking about? Since when do you even care about destruction? When the government deported about 10,000 Jews and destroyed an entire region, MK Gafni voted in favor of the budget and allowed the government to carry out its deportation plan. When Yitzhak Rabin brought the terrible Oslo Accords, MK Deri and Shas did not fight against them and did not even vote against them. “

More on the same topic

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“You are allowed to think that we are wrong. You must not lose touch with reality. If you care so much about the status of kashrut, why did you not do anything for kashrut even though you knew the poor state of kashrut? “If this is really important to you, why did not MK Deri, as Minister of the Interior, repeal the grandparents’ clause that allows grandparents to be brought to Israel when it was under his authority until six months ago?”

“Your voters are smart and intelligent people. Do you really think that if you call us murderers it will convince them that the destruction of the house has come? That if you tell them we are throwing away all the tefillin they will be convinced that this is what we want to do?”

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