Excessive temperatures in North and Central America are brought on by the ‘warmth dome’ phenomenon – 2024-05-26 11:37:41

by times news cr

2024-05-26 11:37:41

Excessive warmth in Mexico, Central America and components of the southern United States has left thousands and thousands of individuals in sweltering temperatures, overloaded energy grids and induced iconic howler monkeys of southeastern Mexico to fall from bushes and die.

Meteorologists mentioned the circumstances have been brought on by what some name a warmth dome — an space of ​​sturdy excessive stress centered within the southern Gulf of Mexico and northern Central America that prevented the formation of clouds, a lot solar and excessive temperatures. This excessive warmth happens in a world that’s quickly warming on account of greenhouse gases, which come from the burning of fossil fuels resembling oil, fuel and coal.

Excessive temperatures lengthen alongside the Gulf of Mexico to components of america, together with Texas and Florida. This warmth wave comes simply as 1000’s of individuals in Texas stay with out energy after thunderstorms hit components of the state final week.

Shawn Bhatti, a meteorologist with the Nationwide Climate Service (NWS) forecast workplace in Miami, mentioned southerly winds from the tropics transported heat, moist air north from the equator, contributing to unusually heat circumstances. .

In South Florida it has been hotter than regular. Miami Worldwide Airport recorded a excessive temperature of 35.6 levels Celsius (96 levels Fahrenheit) on Could 19, 5 levels hotter than the 30 levels Celsius (86 to 88 levels Fahrenheit) that Miami usually sees this time of 12 months.

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