Exemption, specific measures… a range of advantages

by time news

2023-06-22 10:03:07

A series of benefits and various support measures have just been granted to people living with a disability, as well as to structures dedicated to their social integration and development. It is thanks to Law No. 2017-06 of September 29, 2017 on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Benin, the adoption of the implementing texts of which was effective yesterday Wednesday, June 21, 2023 in Council of Ministers.

Bidossessi WANOU

People living with a disability find favor in the eyes of the Beninese State. It is through Law No. 2017-06 of September 29, 2017 on the protection and promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Benin, the implementing decree of which was adopted by the Council of Ministers yesterday Wednesday. According to the government, this law aims for better social integration of people with disabilities. In total, five draft implementing decrees for this law have been developed in a participatory and inclusive manner. These are the decrees on: creation, attributions, composition and functioning of the Interministerial Commission for the implementation of measures for the inclusion of disabled people and special measures for the promotion of employment and entrepreneurship for disabled people. We also note the decrees fixing the tax measures relating to the import, manufacture and sale of means of transport and equipment for the benefit of disabled people; preferential measures in public transport and cultural and leisure centers services for the benefit of people with disabilities; then the methods of supporting the promotion of education and training for people with disabilities. Under the said decrees, social measures for the benefit of people with disabilities have been taken. This decree postulates for ease of access and priority reservation of seats in cultural and leisure centres, priority for embarkation and disembarkation in rail, road, river, maritime and air transport within of the national territory for any transport company. It also provides for a 10% reduction (not exclusive of other commercial-type reductions) on paid admissions to cultural and public leisure centers as well as on rail, road, river, sea and air transport costs within of the national territory of public transport companies. As for competitions and recruitment tests in public and private salaried jobs, an increase of five (5) years in the required age bracket, the reservation of a quota of 5% of the number of places put up for competition for public employment is granted to this social category according to their abilities and skills. Application criteria excluding people with disabilities during competitions and recruitment tests for public and private jobs are prohibited except for jobs or specific trades requiring physical skills and special sensory faculties. The State promises to cover the payment of employer’s contributions due by the company which employs a disabled person according to the degree of incapacity mentioned on his “equal opportunities card”. It also supports any individual business created by people with disabilities. Production cooperatives and small and medium-sized enterprises bringing together exclusively people with disabilities benefit from the same measures. Companies created by the people thus targeted are exempt from the costs and taxes related to formalization, just as the company created by a disabled person is eligible for total or partial, temporary or permanent exemptions, under the conditions set by order of the Minister. finance officer.

Measures to facilitate access to education

Like other measures contained in these texts, educational and training establishments for people with disabilities benefit from the technical and pedagogical monitoring of the ministries in charge of Education and Social Affairs. Private education and training establishments for people with disabilities benefit from an annual subsidy for operation, the acquisition of appropriate teaching and computer equipment and the development of educational initiatives and approaches compatible with their specific needs. Candidates with disabilities attending school, depending on the conditions for taking physical education and sports into account defined by the examination regulations, can take part in a one-off adapted physical education and sports test. In the allocation of scholarships, relief, housing and other social works in schools and universities, the nature of the disability as well as the difficulties related to the deficiency are taken into account to define the specific criteria for the target. Better, people living with a disability benefit from an increase of five (5) years of age for any registration or allocation of support such as scholarships and assistance in schools and universities. For non-scholarship holders, annual financial aid is granted.

VAT exemptions and customs fees

Any means of transport (adapted and equipped public transport vehicles, adapted and equipped motorized tricycles, adapted private vehicles) in new condition specially equipped for the use of disabled people are exempt from VAT and customs duties as well on import than on purchase. The same applies to mechanical and electronic inputs intended for the manufacture of means of transport specially adapted for the use of disabled persons, which are exempt from VAT and customs duties on imports and purchases. Equipment intended for the use of disabled people (orthopedic equipment, wheelchairs, tricycles, prostheses, orthoses, white or English canes, all other equipment necessary for the care prescribed to disabled people) is also exempt from VAT and customs duties. import and purchase. Ultimately, the government intends by all means to ensure the successful socio-professional integration of this social category.

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Q. A.

juin 22, 2023

#Exemption #specific #measures #range #advantages

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