Expert Analysis on Potential Corruption Related to Demurrage of 1,600 Illegal Rice Containers

by times news cr

2024-08-11 20:42:43

Sunday, August 11, 2024 – 14:25 WIB

The government, through Customs, continues to strive⁣ to expedite the release of 26,514⁢ containers stuck at the ports of Tanjung Priok and Tanjung Perak.

jpnn.comJAKARTA ⁣- The presence of 1,600 containers⁢ holding illegal rice, with an estimated demurrage value of Rp 294.5 billion, at Tanjung Priok and Tanjung Perak⁢ ports‌ has raised concerns about potential corruption.

This ‍arises when these containers are retrieved‌ without paying the associated fines.

Criminal law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar from Trisakti University commented on the issue, stating that ⁣the 1,600 ​containers​ containing illegal ‍rice ​with a demurrage of IDR 294.5 billion ‍currently stranded at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta,⁢ and Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, could potentially indicate corruption.

“If the rice⁤ is retrieved without ⁢payment of the fine, that ⁢would be a clear sign of ​corruption,” Fickar‍ said, as reported on⁣ Sunday ⁢(11/8).

Fickar also highlighted that the rice cargo held up at the port would result in a state loss if ⁢the IDR 294.5 billion fine was not paid.

“Demurrage charges or fines are considered state losses if they remain unpaid,”‍ Fickar explained.

He added that if the rice in ⁢the 1,600 containers is left untouched, authorities must summon and question the transporters.

“If it is determined ‍who is responsible, they can‍ be compelled to pay ​the fine or return ⁤the goods to their original delivery location,”​ Fickar stressed.

1,600⁤ illegal rice ‌containers stuck in ⁤Jakarta and Surabaya‌ with a demurrage⁢ value of Rp‌ 294.5 billion⁢ could become a corruption problem

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