Experts predict monkey pox Could be a pandemic : PPTVHD36

by time news

Prof. Dr. Manop Pitakpakorn, Head of Precision Medical Research Center Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital Revealed that there is a chance that monkeypox will become a pandemic like Covid-19 but may spread more slowly than covid-19 because of the different ways of spreading the infection But still can’t tell clearly how many times the epidemic of Covid-19. Because there are still not many infected reports. and reverse disease investigation Especially in foreign countries, there is no clear information. And in Thailand, there has not been a confirmed case of infection in the country.

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The transmission of infection is obviously different. while covid-19 It is mainly transmitted through droplets of secretions. But monkey pox begins with non-specific symptoms. It may be fever, body aches similar to flu. After 4-5 days, a rash appears on the skin. pustules similar to chickenpox and has an incubation period of 21 days or 3 weeks.

The main infection It is spread through close contact such as having sex. and may be infected through prolonged contact with each other Especially during rashes or pustules, it is easy to spread the infection. As for infection through skin contact, it is unclear. because I can’t tell where the infection comes from

As for airborne transmission, Dr. Manop said that in theory it is possible. But in fact, there is no data on people who communicate through inhalation or via aerosol.

There is currently only one way to prevent smallpox. is the use of smallpox vaccine or smallpox vaccine that has been frozen and preserved to make a smallpox vaccine against monkeys. Because it is a family of viruses that have sufficient immunity to prevent and reduce the severity of smallpox.

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