Extradition demand • The Jewish Voice

by time news

“You can’t put a soldier every meter”

Hvara for example.

A hostile village where stones are thrown on a daily basis at Jews, in Katbatim and occasionally a shooting attack.

There is nothing to be done, the experts tell us, it is impossible to put a soldier every meter.

And really, it’s a strange requirement to secure every Jew at any moment and in any place. This is unlikely and impractical.

Transferring the dilemma to the other side

The solution is no more Batunda, another position and another soldier.

The solution is also not to chase every stone.

The solution is to make it clear to the other side – the supporting population – that there is a price for terrorist attacks, and they have to decide if they want to pay it.

Siege until extradition

Was there an attack? Instead of going in to seize, stay out and besiege.

Hermetic siege: no electricity, no food, no water.

The blockade will be lifted with the extradition of the terrorist. And if not, then they will die of thirst and hunger. their decision.

Of course, it is necessary to define on what level one reacts, whether only on shooting attacks or on every stone (in my opinion – even on cursing a Jew). But for what was decided to respond – the response should be unequivocal and uncompromising.

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Stop chasing terrorists

We have an excellent Shin Bet (when it decides to fight the enemies and not the brothers), the IMM guys fire one by one, but the policy is completely wrong.

We need to stop chasing the terrorists in the heart of a population that supports terrorism. The internet is full of videos of what it looks like when forces enter to carry out an arrest – hundreds of “non-involved” attack the forces in order to disrupt the arrest, and are actually an integral part of the other side’s fighting formation.

The population identifies with the terrorists, educates the youth in their light, glorifies their name, and even works actively against the IDF forces.

This is how an egg develops that grows more and more mosquitoes, and sometimes we manage to catch or eliminate a few mosquitoes. It is inefficient to work like this. And as we see it doesn’t really work.

You need to stop chasing mosquitoes and start drying the egg.

subjugation of the enemy

Our fighters should not capture the terrorists, but the local population should deliver the terrorists to us.

It will also put our soldiers at less risk, but it will mainly change the rules of the game.

Because instead of a terrorist supporting population that plays the game of the poor innocents, we will get one of two: either a quiet and submissive population (that no terrorist would dare to act from), or a population at declared war against us.

Those who want to fight – with respect. You will be under siege.

And those who don’t – Hello and welcome. Really why fight? (in the existing retrospective situation).

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Calling for peace and a ‘fourth spirit’ or killing every male?

The Maimonides in the Laws of Kings takes two seemingly contradictory extreme positions on the laws of war. On the one hand, there is an obligation to call for peace before any initiated military action, and also during war the enemy must be allowed a “fourth wind” – a way to retreat and get out of the battle alive.

On the other hand, whoever decided to fight against us, if I write here what Rambam requires him to do, he will probably be summoned for questioning.

So what does Maimonides want?

On the one hand, we will allow the other side, the people in front of us, all the ways to be okay with us, and on the other hand, uncompromising rigidity in relation to those who decided to fight with us.

You can get peace easily

We will return to Hvar.

The IDF can take all the soldiers out of the village today and achieve exemplary peace.

All that is required is a clarification that the breach of the peace will lead to the imposition of responsibility on the villagers.

Did you hand over the offender? All is well. He will probably be the last to operate from this village.

Did you not deliver? You will pay the price of the war with us, you will die of hunger, thirst or cold.

you decide

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