Faced with blackouts, Coparmex CDMX asked that this opportunity be opened to the private sector

by times news cr

2024-05-11 13:15:34

After the blackouts that were recorded on May 7 in several states of the country, the Coparmex CDMX He called on the authorities to open a opportunity to the private sector.

Through a statement, the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) CDMXwarned that the blackouts reveal a problem in the national electrical system.

In that sense, the regional division of business body in the CDMXcalled on the government to consider the possibility of open an opportunity al private sector.

Blackout in Mexico (Rogelio Morales / Rogelio Morales)

Coparmex CDMX asks for more opportunity for the private sector in the electrical sector after blackouts

Due to blackouts occurred in several states due to the high demand for energy, the Coparmex CDMX issued a statement in which it requested that the private sector have one chance.

In its statement, the business organization requested that there is more openness so that the private sector is seen as an ally and can participate in the generation and distribution of electric power.

The above is because Coparmex CDMX highlighted that the blackouts are proof that the “electrical system is insufficient” to meet the needs of the country’s homes and businesses.

Regarding the effects of the blackouts, the agency ruled that they don’t just interrupt the daily life of citizens, but also impact on competitiveness of the companies.

By insisting on the insufficiency of the electrical system, he highlighted that proposals for actions in favor of the democratization of the marketin which the private sector participates.

Regarding this, Coparmex CDMX recalled that a Inclusive Development Model (MDI) which implies a distributed generation scheme and free competition.

Coparmex CDMX warns of negative consequences due to blackouts

After denouncing the insufficiency of the national electrical system due to the blackouts of May 7, the Coparmex CDMX warned about the negative consequences of the situation.

Regarding this, the business organization stated that the electrical insufficiency puts at risk the level of investment confidence both local and foreign.

Due to the negative context, he called on the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the National Energy Control Center (Pricing), evaluate the participation of private sector.

This was stated by Coparmex CDMX when requesting that the entry of “new public and private sector power plants” be considered to avoid an electricity deficit in the country.

In this way, it could be achieved that incentivizes investment in the generation of renewable energyas well as the creation of storage infrastructure.

Blackout in Mexico

Blackout in Mexico (Especial)

2024-05-11 13:15:34

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