Family Forced to Flee as Storm Hans Causes Flooding in Åre

by time news

Storm Hans Causes Flooding in Sweden, Forcing Family to Flee

Åre, Sweden – In what seemed like a scene from a movie, Ida Dalgren, 40, woke up in the middle of the night to a pounding sound. To her horror, water and mud were pouring towards her family’s house, forcing them to flee for safety.

The heavy rain caused by Storm Hans proved too much for the Susabäcken, a river that runs through Åre. The water widened over the edge, causing it to flood nearby areas, including Ida’s apartment.

“My husband went to check what the sound was, and he discovered that Susabäcken had overflowed,” Ida shared. The water continued to rise, and the family had a brief moment of indecision before they heard someone shout that the water was coming towards them. They quickly woke their children, put on boots and rain gear, and sought refuge at a friend’s house further away.

Although the water outside Ida’s apartment was only about three centimeters deep, it rose significantly higher in the following hours. The marks on the facade clearly showed the water level rose above the windowpane and door handle, indicating the potential danger they narrowly escaped.

“If we had stayed in the apartment, we wouldn’t have come out,” Ida said with relief. She stood in the rain, looking at her apartment, which was filled with mud and debris brought by the flood. Despite the damage and a slightly disturbed sense of security, Ida has no plans to move. “This is home, after all, and I think the worries will subside with time,” she expressed.

A cleaning company has been working to restore the apartment, but it remains uncertain when Ida and her family will be able to move back in.

Storm Hans has continued to wreak havoc across Sweden, causing fallen trees, limited accessibility on roads, and flooding in various areas. The authorities have issued weather warnings to keep people informed and safe.

As residents deal with the aftermath of the storm, Ida’s story serves as a reminder of the unpredictable and destructive power of nature.

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