Fast food establishments occupied 57% of the Russian catering market in 2021

by time news

Russian spending on food in fast food establishments provided a record 57% of the catering market in 2021, NPD Group analysts calculated.

“In terms of market structure, Russia is on a par with China, the United States and Canada, where the share of fast food reaches 60%. At the same time, in European countries such as Great Britain, Germany and France, fast food occupies only 25-50% of the food service industry, ”said Marina Lapenkova, an expert on the food service market at the Russian branch of NPD Group.

According to NPD Group, the volume of the Russian food service market has practically recovered after the collapse caused by the pandemic in 2020. In January-October of this year, Russian spending on public catering is only 2% behind the indicators of 2019, but the number of visitors to catering establishments over this period is still 9% below the level of January – October 2019.

Analysts attribute the growth in the share of fast food restaurants in the catering market to the operators’ good preparedness for the restrictive measures taken during the pandemic, including investments in the development of delivery services and mobile applications.

In addition, according to the study, at the beginning of the pandemic, customers showed greater confidence in large networks, believing that they better monitor compliance with sanitary standards and regularly disinfect premises.

The researchers noted that consumption shifted from restaurant halls to apartments, offices, cars and other spaces: for example, if in January – October 2020, 35% of orders were consumed outside the restaurant, then for the same period of this year this figure was 53%. For 10 months of 2021, the volume of delivered orders increased by 125% compared to the same period in 2019.


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