FC St. Pauli: 1: 2 at Union Berlin – Jakov Medic cries after a breakdown – 2nd Bundesliga

by time news

Bitter cup end for FC St. Pauli.

At Union Berlin there is a 1: 2 in the quarter-finals because goalkeeper Dennis Smarsch and central defender Jakov Medic slip in front of the gates. The dream of the semifinals – slip & go…

Medic in particular was inconsolable, cried after the final whistle and was consoled by the team. Trainer Timo Schultz at Sky: “At this level, such mistakes are punished. We held up really well. It’s annoying to lose through two such situations. Jakov will learn from such mistakes, we are there for him. We have only ourselves to blame for losing the game. It’s no use, we have to tick it off.”

Goalkeeper Dennis Smarsch said of his slip: “I slipped, but I was able to fend off the ball – but then it went to the opponent. It’s bitter, a shitty feeling. We have to digest that.”

Now all the energy is in the fight for promotion to the first division. The next opponent on Saturday is KSC. Is the defense tight again?

Left-back Leart Paqarada: “We played a really good role here and conceded goals through stupid mistakes. Things that happen but shouldn’t happen. In the long run it can’t be right to keep having to score two or three goals in order to win.”

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