Feel that you are out of power for Corona? You are not alone These are the reasons for this

by time news

Does it seem to you, too, that everyone has returned to routine after the wave of omicrons that attacked and still attacks all countries of the world? Less adherence to masks, less social distance, more entertainment and also more traffic jams?

Experts say there are many reasons for this phenomenon, many of them psychological – from fatigue from the corona plague to the assumption that the worst must already be over. And this is a problem, as a false sense of security could cause another wave to appear in the coming months, prolong the epidemic and lead to even more widespread disruptions in our lives. And we do not want that.

Contrary to past waves, it seems that the huge number of Omicron patients has barely made a ripple in people’s consciousness. “It’s a combination of epidemic fatigue and ruthlessness caused by it,” Marney White, a psychologist and epidemiologist at Yale’s School of Public Health, told cnbc. “Many people see the omicron variant as a low threat to them, either because they are already vaccinated, or they have already suffered from corona,” White explains, “they feel their personal risk is minimal, and feel they have sacrificed enough.”

Omicron variant (Photo: REUTERS / Dado Ruvic)
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Even requests to think about the elderly, vaccine-suppressed, or children who are too young to get vaccinated can often fall on deaf ears. So is the argument that ending the spread of the omicron will help prevent the virus from mutating into an even more dangerous version. “We stopped interpreting it as a collective battle that we all have to fight,” White adds.

It sheds light on why people “normalized” the death toll, says Gail Sinatra, a professor of psychology at the University of Southern California. “Studies show that we have a human tendency to stay away from mass suffering, as a form of self-preservation,” Sinatra says, “The fact that the United States now has over 900,000 Corona deaths seems almost impossible. “.

Will not return to normal soon

The truth is, experts say, we are not returning to “normal” any time soon, and people are still dying of corona, but the perception that normal is just around the corner can be harmful. ” Gal, “says Sinatra.

Corona in the world (Photo: Reuters)Corona in the world (Photo: Reuters)

Even once the current wave subsides, our definition of “normal” may also need to change: life with Corona will not be as simple as pretending it no longer exists. Sinatra suggests, for example, that masks may be required on flights or in large places during the fall and winter, further down the road. Such measures may be necessary to prevent future disruptions to businesses, schools and other areas of life. “Wearing masks is not what keeps workers away from work and takes children out of schools – the corona does it. If we do not control this virus, it will eventually control us – permanently.”

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