Feijóo sees Sánchez as sure that he will be president and challenges him to go to elections to vote on the amnesty

by time news

2023-10-10 00:00:42

He denounces that Sánchez has not answered “anything” during the meeting and that he continues with his “silences” and “euphemisms” about the amnesty


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, stated this Monday that the socialist candidate Pedro Sánchez has shown “absolute confidence” that he will pass the investiture vote, which makes him think that the negotiations with the independentists “are going well.” “. After ensuring that he has not clarified “anything” about what he is negotiating because he has continued with his silences and “euphemisms”, he has challenged him to call elections so that the Spaniards can give their opinion at the polls about “the demands” related to the amnesty and the referendum.

“I haven’t gotten him to say the word amnesty,” Feijóo complained in a press conference in Congress after the meeting of about 50 minutes that he held with the acting head of the Executive within the framework of his contacts for the investiture and in which he asked for “honesty”, to call “things by their name” and to “come face to face”.

Feijóo has assured that he has come with “a small dossier” to Pedro Sánchez to remind him “of what he himself said not long ago” against the amnesty, about his promise to bring Carles Puigdemont to Spain to be held accountable before Justice. u reclassify the crime of illegal referendum or its rejection, three days before the elections, of the amnesty for the independentists


Feijóo explained to the media that in that meeting he addressed the questions to the socialist candidate that he did not answer in his investiture debate, since he delegated the spokespersonship to the deputy Óscar Puente. Thus, he has asked to know if he is going to accept the demands of the amnesty and the referendum but has not obtained clarification.

Thus, he stressed that “during these 50 long minutes of meeting” Pedro Sánchez’s response was “nothing.” “He has not answered anything to me. There are no answers to specific questions,” he has criticized.

In this sense, he stressed that the head of the Executive has continued with silence and with “euphemisms and paraphrases”, and has not even been able to pronounce the word amnesty in the interview that both have held in closed session.


That said, Feijóo has challenged Sánchez to go to a general election if he is so sure that his plans have majority support among Spaniards. In his opinion, between “inequality and new elections, the most honest thing is new elections.”

“No politician has consent to approve any amnesty. None, not even Sumar,” he stated, recalling that the PSOE “demonstrated against” it 72 hours before going to the general elections on July 23.

In his opinion, citizens should be able to give their opinion at the polls about “the demands” of the independence movement to Sánchez, if they believe that “Justice must be unequal based on ideology” and if they want Spain to be recognized “as an oppressive State.” in which there are “a few privileged politicians and a large majority of second-class citizens.”


In any case, Feijóo’s impression is that Sánchez has very advanced negotiations, since he has shown “absolute confidence” that he will repeat as president. “I understand then that he sees himself as president of the Government, of course. What he has not conveyed to me is how he is going to achieve it,” he stated.

Thus, he has indicated that he has conveyed “the end but not the means.”

“And when one is so sure and so obsessed with the end, that is when one uses any means,” he said, to express his “concern” about the fact that there are “no limits on the means to achieve his end, which is to be President of the goverment”.

At this point, he has rejected that Sánchez is seeking to improve coexistence and has stressed that Sánchez’s “only objective” in “exploring” the amnesty is “to maintain his personal status as president.”

Furthermore, the leader of the PP has reproached Pedro Sánchez for accusing him of agitating the street and has already warned that “of course” the PP will not give up holding more electoral events or calling rallies against the amnesty that is being negotiated for all those indicted. in the independence process in Catalonia.


Feijóo, who has confirmed that he will participate in the Investiture Debate of Pedro Sánchez “out of respect for all citizens, also for PSOE voters, and for Congress”, has once again defended the need for the president of the Chamber set a date for that debate, remembering that in your case “it took hours to set the Plenary Session.”

“It seems clear that it is the candidate himself who sets the date according to his personal interest,” complained Feijóo, who has been publicly demanding for more than a week that the date for the investiture debate be set.

Finally, Feijóo has promised that “he will never stop seeking a minimum understanding between the two major parties in Spain”, although he has acknowledged that at this moment the Spaniards “can only count on the PP as a state party.”

“What this meeting has done is to confirm once again that Spain can count on the PP, that we are going to continue being, no matter what the cost, a state party, that we are never going to lie to the Spanish people and that the PP is going to defend what the majority of Spaniards share, which is, there are no gentlemen here who are above the law,” he warned.

PP sources have later pointed out that the acting president of the Government has commented to the PP leader during the meeting that, once he is sworn in as president, both parties should get along well.

#Feijóo #sees #Sánchez #president #challenges #elections #vote #amnesty

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