Felt left out in Kompani Lauritzen

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Maria Enora in Kompani Lauritzen Tropp 2

Felt left out in Kompani Lauritzen

The recording did not turn out quite as Maria Enora (22) had imagined. – But it went well, she says today.

Everyone who followed Kompani Lauritzen Tropp 2 has noticed her. Maria Enora Svensen, the cute little girl with curly hair. She who does so little of herself.

– Many times throughout my life I have felt different and have stood outside the community. In such a situation, it is easy to enter a kind of victim role, she says.

This winter she lives in Oslo and will instruct dance classes. In addition, she tries to get dancing and acting assignments. The hope is to one day be able to make a living from this. Betting the way she does takes confidence. She didn’t have that much when she was growing up.

She has been open about the fact that not everything was easy in her childhood. In 2nd and 3rd grade at primary school, she was teased for being short and picked on in various contexts. Today she doesn’t remember what was said, only that it was hurtful.

– I was always the lowest in the class and struggled to make friends. Fortunately, I could talk about it at home. My parents encouraged me to think and reflect on the situation, and my mother said she recognized herself in me and told me about what she had experienced as a child. Many people feel the same way, she said, and that made me not feel alone about being alone, she sums up.

In the TV program Kompani Lauritzen Tropp 2, young adults who want help with challenges in their lives meet up in Setnesmoen camp to take part in Dag Otto Lauritzen’s military self-development program. Maria is one of those we met in the winter season. TV2 reports that they have already started working with Tropp 3.

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DREAMS: Maria hopes one day to be able to make a living as a dancer and actress. Photo: Private

A Christian home

Many will recognize themselves in the story of Maria Enora. In the hope that it can provide comfort or support to them, she shares what she has been through.

– The exclusion lasted until primary school, but when I started secondary school it changed. Then I was in a small girls’ group for a while, she remembers.

Maria says that she has always had a melancholic undertone, that she has carried with her a kind of sadness. In light of that, she is glad she grew up in a Christian home and had a faith.

– My family was associated with a congregation and a house of prayer. My one year older sister and I were sung Christian songs to at the bedside and said table prayer before dinner. I think faith in difficult periods has helped me not to get to a dangerous place. It has made me look up, she reasons.

From the fifth grade she had a friend who was important to her. They still have some contact.

In young adulthood, she has thought back to why school was so demanding. She says that she was comfortable and happy in the first year of school, but as she realized that the others did not want to choose her as a friend, the joy gradually disappeared.

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THE RECOGNITION: Maria says she didn’t make any new friends through Tropp 2, but she’s glad she took the chance to join. Photo: TV2/Sveinung Kyte


At some point she got used to being in her own company. And it felt like a matter of course that she was looking forward to finishing school.

– I thrive in my own company and can get tired if I am with others over time. This became even more apparent to me when I started the drama program in high school. There was freedom in terms of how you dressed and what style you had, but when the others found out that I was a Christian, I still stood out. It felt like there was a difference that was not welcomed.

Little Maria Enora with seriousness in her. In many ways she was weak, but she was also strong, wanting integrity and being herself. Couldn’t they like her as she was – no, well.

– No matter where I was, I couldn’t fit in. Not in the Christian circles and not in the non-Christian ones either.

She became the one who got help for a lot because people thought she was weak. And when Maria saw that Kompani Lauritzen Tropp 2 was looking for participants, she reflected on exactly that.

– First of all, I wanted to find faith in myself within myself, but at the same time I wanted to show that I am tougher than people thought. I don’t remember the wording, but I wrote at length. I had watched the program on TV with my family and thought it would have been very exciting to join – and find out if I had the strength mentally and physically.

She was called in for an interview in three rounds and we TV viewers know how it ended. For those who did not follow the TV programme, we can reveal that Maria was one of five young people who completed the entire stay and were awarded the orange beret in the final programme.

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Happy for the challenges

Now everyone knows that little Maria is both strong and tough.

She who had always been so careful of herself. If she was going to bathe in cold water, she put her toe carefully in the water first, had to feel it. In Kompani Lauritzen there was no time to hesitate or approach slowly. Out with you!

VÅGET: – I’m glad I dared to sign up. The experience made me see that I am actually strong, says Maria. Photo: Matti Bernitz/TV 2.

– I had to stop overthinking and jumping into things. When you’re not afraid, everything becomes a lot more fun. I cracked many little mental codes along the way. The nice thing was that there was a gradual rise towards the scariest things, like skydiving. I am so incredibly happy for those challenges.

With laughter in her voice, Maria says that the stay also made her better at not whining.

– I’ve probably felt too sorry for myself at times, she admits.

– What about the social side – did you make friends?

– You are a group that will go through this together, they said in the production, but it didn’t turn out quite like that. I felt left out there too. But it went well. We were there for a limited time, the recording lasted over three weeks. What I am concerned with in retrospect is all that it gave me: A greater zest for life and self-confidence to seek excitement rather than being afraid.

As Maria sees it, her life was positively changed when she threw herself into Kompani Lauritzen. When asked if she has a boyfriend, she says:

– If the right one appears, he must want to go all the way. I can’t bear the thought of random romances. From now on, I don’t have time to search. This year I’m going on tour with a Christian band, which also does storytelling and will have dancers and actors. I will also teach dance classes, says the tough 22-year-old.

This case was first published on 14/02 2024.

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