Fever, ten things to know about the “signal” that our body is fighting against infections – time.news

by time news
from Ruggiero Corcella

The increase in temperature, expression of the defenses against anomalous phenomena

In the mythology of ancient Rome Febris was the goddess of fever, (and Februa the mother of Mars), which the Romans wanted in some way to connect to the body’s healing process from the mysterious infections that attacked it. The fever, which in the era of Covid-19 became a wake-up call that makes it even more restless, in reality a very refined defense mechanism implemented by our body. The Corriere della Sera proposes a guide, free on newsstands from Thursday 28 October with the newspaper
, to understand fever, its meanings, and, of course, give advice on how to counter it when it is right to do so because the damage or discomfort it causes outweighs its possible benefits. Here are some excerpts.

What is fever and what causes it?

The fever the sustained increase over 37 C, not justified by any physiological cause and above all it does not regress but remains constantly above normal, overcoming the usual daily fluctuations. The thermal set point (i.e. the reference point) regulated by the hypothalamus, therefore, in the event of fever moves permanently upwards in response to a disturbance of the organism’s condition
and pyrogenic cytokines, signaling molecules that induce the temperature rise. The causes of fever are many, therefore not to be considered a disease but a symptom, common to many pathological situations.

When and how to measure fever?

It will be measured
about the same time, in the same location and with the same thermometer, in order to compare the values ​​and interpret them better; in case of doubt, it is better to leave the classic thermometer in place one minute longer than one minute less. For each location there are also small differences in the shape of the most suitable thermometer, and precautions or gestures that help to have a more correct and reliable measurement.

What is a fever used for?

the price you pay for get the better of viruses, bacteria and inflammatory states localized, and to respond well to potentially risky situations such as tissue injured or dead for some reason. There are two objectives: first of all, any germs responsible for the infection or inflammation over 37 C they no longer multiply well; moreover, the need to cool the body is created, because in order to feel good the internal temperature must be kept within a narrow range.

Why can it be more dangerous in children?

Excess of temperature it can trigger febrile seizures, in small predisposed; in some cases even attempts to keep the temperature low are not sufficient to avoid them (especially if the fever, which is more than very high, has sudden descents and rises). They are the most frequent neurological disorder in children and the most affected are children between 12 and 18 months, or in any case within 5 years, when they tend to regress spontaneously.

How do you know if the fever due to flu or other virus?

Almost always fever is accompanied by other signs that reveal what the problem is at the origin: in most cases it is respiratory viruses, and then there will be cough, stuffy or runny nose, sore throat; or gastrointestinal, with abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea. All transient disorders that usually resolve on their own in a short time, as well as the fever that originates from the most common respiratory and gastrointestinal viruses.

How do you know if the fever due to SARS-CoV-2?

one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, present in over 8 cases out of 10 among the symptomatic; it is accompanied by dry cough and fatigue, the other most common signs of the infection. The fever can be high, but it can also remain in the form of a low-grade fever around 37.5 ° C. The vaccine does not eliminate the possibility of contagion, so in case of symptoms compatible with COVID-19 it is necessary to undergo a swab.

How can you bring down a fever without drugs?

Sleeping helps in case of infectious disease fever: i
Rest promotes the immune response and therefore allows you to better fight, for example, a fever from viral infection. It is also essential to drink a lot to counteract general dehydration and dehydration of the mucous membranes induced by the temperature rise.

What is a common mistake not to make?

Contrary to what we all do, when the fever rises and we get chills we should take off our clothes instead of putting on clothes, just to help the dispersion of excess heat: it is better not to cover yourself too much, compatibly with the malaise and cold that you feel when the fever rises, and in any case as soon as the chills stop you need to uncover yourself immediately.

How to manage fever in the elderly?

Usually fever in the elderly does not reach very high values: Infections also lead to fever less frequently, therefore if in an elderly person the temperature rises a lot it is an alarm bell that should not be underestimated, which could indicate the presence of a serious infection (the most common are those of the respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin and soft tissues).

Can a fever be prevented?

Vaccines, such as the flu or Covid-19, are essential; equally essential to wash your hands often and well, as we learned during the pandemic. In autumn and winter it is important to have greater care for indoor air quality, ventilating the rooms at least two or three times a day for five minutes and choosing the right times.

October 27, 2021 (change October 27, 2021 | 11:31)

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