fewer books and more screens for young French people

by time news

“There, it is a real alarm. » The words of Régine Hatchondo, president of the National Book Center (CNL), are without appeal. On Wednesday April 12, the public establishment, which presented the results of its biannual barometer “The French and reading”, carried out with the polling institute Ipsos, describes the situation of young people aged 15 to 24 as worrying.

One in five young people under the age of 25 say they do not read at all. And the number of readers in this age group has not returned to its level before the health crisis. As in the last barometer published in 2021, 80% of 15-24 year olds declare themselves to be readers, a drop of 12 points compared to 2019. A figure below the average for French people, who are 86% to declare themselves spontaneously readers of paper and digital books.

The big winner of this disinterest is the Internet. Among those under 25, screen time is the most important, amounting to 4 h 09 per day (excluding work and digital books), for a daily reading time of 41 minutes, the compulsory one for studies being counted. They are however not last of the class, the dunces being on the side of 39-45 years with only 28 minutes of reading per day.

Unfair competition from screens

This decline in reading in favor of screens is “a matter of concern” for Régine Hatchondo, who highlights a ” unfair competition “. “This study confirms the idea of ​​conducting a policy in favor of the development of a taste for reading”, she summarizes. Awareness campaigns deemed as important as that of “5 fruits and vegetables a day”, and which could be broadcast… directly on the screens.

These dematerialized activities could thus become allies of the book, since the under 35s say they are particularly receptive to the recommendations and presence of authors on social networks. Thus the CNL does not exclude mobilizing youtubers, instagramers and other influencers to promote reading on these channels.

Comics are on the rise

Two other strong trends should be noted from the 5th edition of the barometer: the growing success of comics and the development of alternatives to the purchase of new books.

While practical, lifestyle and leisure books are overall the most popular literary genres, comic books show the most significant growth and confirm their rise in power with all age groups (increase of 14 points compared to compared to 2021), including beyond 35 years. It is also the favorite genre of men, tied with history books.

Second-hand purchases are also growing significantly, up 6 points since 2021, and 14 points since 2015. Simple concern for savings in times of inflation or ecological commitment? Why not both, replies the CNL, affirming that this is a basic trend which should increase in the years to come.

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