FIFA 23: PC players can’t play the game and the comments accordingly

by time news

Despite the huge hype surrounding the launch of the game. Now it appears that the computer version of FIFA 23 Receives hundreds of negative reviews, with players reporting problems with the game’s performance and a glitch in the anti-cheat system that doesn’t let players play at all. The game already has more than 1,500 negative reviews on Steam. The overall rating is currently sitting at “Negative” and it does not look good for the soccer game at least on the Steam platform and PC.

Looking at the reviews themselves, there are two main issues that keep popping up. The first is related to the game’s anti-cheat software, which due to a malfunction does not give some players access to the game. We note that without the anti-cheat software running in the background, you will not be able to play FIFA 23. The second and no less important problem is very poor performance on computers, even those with the most powerful hardware available today.

EA quickly responded to these reports, informing players that it is currently collecting data to determine where the problem lies, and offered several workarounds. “Try to start FIFA 23 and wait until you get “Error EA AntiCheat’. Completely exit the Origin/EA software on the PC”, then restart with administrator privileges (Admin) and try to start the game again.” EA said .

In addition to problems with the game’s anti-cheat system. Other gamers also complained about the poor performance of the game, precisely on the most powerful hardware that can be obtained today. As an example, according to one review, the game’s optimization is poor. Although the same gamer owns an Nvidia 3080TI, while other players claim that there are drops in the frame rate of the game every certain time.

Gamers on consoles have fewer problems than those on the computer. The only problem that is currently being talked about in relation to the consoles, is that certain users of both Sony and Microsoft consoles are unable to run the game after purchasing it through the digital store. Others claim that they do not have the option to purchase the game at all. So far, EA has not come out regarding these claims.

Even with all the problems and glitches that come with the launch of the game, we all know that FIFA will sell huge amounts of copies. Nor can it be said that these problems are only with a company like EA. It’s hard to think today of a AAA game that came out in the last few years and had a weak launch. From Cyberpunk , Battlefield, Call of Duty, FIFA, the list is too long to list all the names. Gamers will be forced to choose their wars more wisely and vote with their pockets.

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