filmmakers from around the world demand an immediate ceasefire – Libération

by time news

2023-12-28 19:23:50

The war between Hamas and IsraeldossierAki Kaurismaki, André Téchiné, Kiyoshi Kurosawa and Rithy Panh demand an end to the bombings on Gaza, the establishment of humanitarian corridors and the release of hostages.

The terrible violence of October 7 plunged Israelis and Palestinians into a new episode of killing and cruelty. What is currently taking place in Gaza is a massacre of extreme proportions, which is killing thousands of women and children and destroying the minimum conditions of survival for an entire people. We demand an immediate end to the bombings on Gaza, the establishment of humanitarian corridors and material resources demanded by all international organizations and the release of the hostages.

This tragic situation was announced by Israelis more than fifty years ago, as recalled in the text read in Paris on December 2 by filmmaker Avi Mograbi: “Our right to defend ourselves against extermination does not give us no right to oppress others. Occupation results in foreign domination. Foreign domination breeds resistance. Resistance leads to repression. Repression leads to terrorism and counter-terrorism. The victims of terrorism are generally innocent people. The control over the occupied territories will make us murderers and murdered. Let’s get out of the occupied territories now!”

This text was published in Time in September 1967, co-signed by Shimon Tsabar, Haim Hanegbi, Rafi Zichroni, David Ehrenfeld, Uri Lifschitz, Arié Bober, Dan Omer, Moshe Machover, Schneour Sherman, Raif Elias, Eli Aminov, Yehuda Rozenstrauch.

We in turn rally around these words today.

The petitioners :

Nadav Lapid, Pedro Costa, Aki Kaurismaki, Wang Bing, Bella Tarr, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Victor Erice, Radu Jude, Abderrahmane Sissako, Ryusuke Hamaguchi, Walter Halls, Claire Denis, Robert Guediguian, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Laurent Cantet, Claire Simon, Cedric Kahn , Andre Techine, Cornelius Porumboiu, Jia Zhangke, Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, Anand Patwardhan, Ira Sachs, Nobuhiro Suwa, Arthur Harari, Philippe Faucon, Patricia Mazuy, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Rithy Panh, Lav Diaz, Christian Petzold

#filmmakers #world #demand #ceasefire #Libération

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