Fiorello returns with Viva Rai 2 and announces a super guest (Oscar worthy) in Sanremo

by time news

2024-01-15 10:56:00

Fiorello returns with Viva Rai 2 and Amadeus announces: “Russel Crowe in Sanremo”

Russell Crowe arrives in the Ariston arena (more than twenty years after his first performance in Sanremo which dates back to 2001) with an ‘unusual’ performance that will make viewers dance and sing accompanied by his band. This morning’s announcement during ‘Viva Rai2!’ the daily broadcast hosted by Fiorello. The appointment with Russell Crowe, this time as a musician and not as an award-winning actor, is on February 8th on the third evening of the Italian Song Festival. ”Hello Amadeus, hello Fiorello, I am very happy with the invitation to the Sanremo festival and I can’t wait to join you – says the former Gladiator in a video message – I can’t wait to come to Italy because I discovered that I am also of Italian origins, precisely from Ascoli Piceno. What connects me to Italy, I now know for sure, is a blood bond. See you soon, bye Amadeus, bye Italy, at my signal unleash hell!”, concluded Crowe who was already a guest at Sanremo in 2001, in the festival hosted by Raffaella Carrà, in the wake of the success of the film ‘Gladiator ‘.

Rai: Fiorello, ‘The cardinals have already eliminated the Pope from their Whatsapp group’

After the Christmas break the spotlight is back on the ‘Viva Rai2!’ program, live from the glass of the Foro Italico, Fiorello, Biggio, Casciari and the whole gang go wild with songs, dances, great guests to lighten up this #BlueMonday. ”Today is the saddest day of the year – Fiorello begins – think when yesterday’s ratings come out and those of Rai see what Fabio Fazio has done, they will be very sad. Not everyone can have the Holy Father as a guest…”. And he adds: ‘The cardinals are angry with him, they have already eliminated him from their Whatsapp group, which is called ‘Urbi et Orbi’. After the episode Fazio was already baptizing children.”

Rai: Fiorello, phone call from the afterlife to Berlusconi, ‘are you playing trumps against Che Guevara and Minà?’

But Fiorello is unstoppable and, to challenge Fazio, improvises a phone call with the afterlife, with a hilarious result. ‘Pietro, how are you? Who is next to her?…Silvio! Are you with Mike and playing trumps against Che Guevara and Minà?! However, it is not right for the Pope to go to Fazio as a guest, he should be with the last, with the unfortunate… He should go on Rai2! – he continues amidst laughter in the studio – I know Silvio, with you in government it would never have happened. You have to say hello to two people if you see them, Maurizio and Raffaella!”.

Rai, Fiorello appeals to Adriano Celentano

In closing, the showman reserves the public another surprise: an appeal to the great Adriano Celentano, who created a rock ‘n’ roll piece exclusively for Viva Rai2. ‘‘Adriano, you have to come back and show yourself because we need it. For us you are on the same level as the Pope! I’m not Amadeus, but I’ll tell you: if I do something with Adriano in Sanremo, I promise to get the Lollobrigida cut”, who changed her look for the new year with a hair transplant.

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#Fiorello #returns #Viva #Rai #announces #super #guest #Oscar #worthy #Sanremo

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