Fires broke out across the country; Goethe residents were allowed to return to their homes

by time news

A thorn bush fire broke out this morning (Saturday) in a wadi near the town of Goethe in the Ma’ale Yosef Regional Council. Firefighters and rescuers were able to control the fire and now there is no danger to the settlement. Following the situation, the evacuated residents were allowed to return to their homes. In addition, a fire broke out near Abu Ghosh and another fire is raging near the woods.

Among the forces that arrived at the scene, in order to take control of the fire, are also 18 Northern District Fire Brigade crews, five aircraft from the National Squadron, four Coastal District crews and four Dan County crews.

Firefighting Efforts in Goethe, Credit: Documentation of Operations Northern Fire

The fire, as mentioned, broke out in a wadi near the settlement and the flames reached up to about 150 meters from the first line of houses in the settlement. According to the announcement, there is a “real danger to the settlement.” Six houses were hit by the flames.

Meanwhile, fire is also raging on Road 444, between the train station in Rosh HaAyin and the Horshim interchange. Teams are operating in two different sectors to try and control the fire. Additional fire crews on the way to the scene.

Another burning of thorns broke out in Moshav Zeitan in the center of the country. Instead of a real danger to a residential building and storage, at this stage large police forces are working to evacuate the civilians.

Towards 02:00 on the night between Friday and Saturday, reports were received of a forest fire near the settlement of Har Adar in the Jerusalem area. 17 teams from the Jerusalem district were rushed to the scene, along with teams from nearby districts. In the morning firefighting planes also joined the effort, when after several hours the forces managed to gain control of the fire.

Burning of the woods near Mount Adar (Photo: Jerusalem Fire and Rescue)

Deputy clerk Reuven Yitzhak, commander of the Beit Shemesh station in charge of the incident: “A fire broke out on the hill in front of Beit Shurik, near Mount Adar. So far, about sixty dunams have caught fire. “At the moment, we are also operating with the help of planes.”


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