Fiscal peace, with Draghi comes the maxi amnesty. The details

by time news

Fiscal peace, Draghi and the maxi amnesty

The next Dl support for the scrutiny of the Draghi executive could remove all the folders for an amount up to 5 thousand euros, delivered between 2000 and 2015. For now it is still a matter of hypotheses, to know the precise contents we have to wait for the provision and approval of the decree, which should arrive within next week. In any case, if so, the taxpayer will not have to do anything. It will be the Tax Authority who will be in charge of providing for the automatic removal of the folders. The measure, we read on, should concern individuals and VAT numbers, for a total of 60 million files, the removal of which would cost one billion euros in 2021 and one billion in 2022.

Fiscal peace, Proietti (Uil): “Only employees and pensioners deserve it”

On the measures being examined by the executive Draghi, the Uil confederal secretary Domenico Proietti, he explains to that “the only categories that deserve a true fiscal peace are employees and retirees, who first pay taxes and then take their salary and pension. There is no other category with which to make fiscal peace. cut taxes on workers and pensionersthe”. “Making hypotheses contrary to these – underlines Proietti – means making yet another gift to tax evaders ”.

” One thing is the tax bills that are no longer due and you can draw a line from them – continues the Uil secretary – but you cannot make a new tax amnesty. Draghi in his inauguration speech he talked about tax reform. Starting with an amnesty is the wrong way. Thus we retrace the wrong paths. Instead we must give continuity to cashback, favoring the use of electronic money precisely to bring out the ‘black’. ”The struggle is not a waste but an investment. One euro invested in the fight against tax evasion means collecting 4. Of course, other tools are needed such as withholding tax for some sectors of self-employment. On the VAT, then, the customer could pay it directly and not the freelancer. Not to mention that even today the crossing of the databases does not exist. It is possible that if I drive a Ferrari no one can ask me for an account ”, concludes Proietti.

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