Five candidates to lead France Médias Monde

by time news

Unknown to the French public, France Médias Monde is the most listened to and watched French audiovisual group in the world, particularly on the African continent. Present in 20 languages ​​on five continents, it touches “every week 244.2 million people on television, radio and digital”, with audiences that have increased by 63% since 2017 according to the group. These performances can be explained in particular by a “hyperdistribution” strategy on social networks, with 2.2 billion video and audio content launched in 2021, i.e. three more than in 2017.

Despite these successes, the public group must face new challenges in a context of proliferating manipulation of information and the rise of Russian, Chinese and even Indian audiovisual groups. Its journalists are increasingly the target of harassment and even violence. And internally, the opening of a Spanish antenna at France 24 is not unanimous. It is in this context that the hearings of the five candidates for the presidency of France Médias Monde opened on Monday January 9 before Arcom.

Trust, proximity and exemplarity for the outgoing candidate

Marie-Christine Saragosse, 62, who set up the merger of the three media (France 24, RFI and MDC) opened the ball on Monday morning. By announcing her candidacy for a 3rd term in September 2022, she argued that she was part of “a process of stability for the group”.

Its “consolidation” project is based on three axes: trust, proximity and exemplarity. The mission of France Médias Monde must be to “cultivating trust in a world of mistrust” while wearing a “free, independent, verified and responsible information” and sharing the “humanist values”.

Marie-Christine Saragosse proposes in particular to strengthen proximity by developing “regional hubs” such as in Dakar, to create a directory of pan-African experts, to develop a mobile offer aimed at young Africans or to develop new languages ​​(Lingala, the Turkish…). It also wishes to participate in “act 2 of franceinfo” by creating a “public service commando to flush out and thwart fake news” on social networks.

Strengthen credibility and fight against poisoning for David Hivet

In a 52-page project, called “Free! “, David Hivet, who has worked in the media and diplomacy, and in particular at the French media development agency, has developed a strategy in 7 areas with “80 challenges to meet to reinvent France Médias Monde”.

Judging his “threatened credibility” in Africa, under the influence of external powers which influence opinions, he proposes to improve trust by having more dialogue with the public (mediation, transparency, active monitoring on social networks, etc.). He also wants “to restore ambition and confidence to the teams” through “fruitful and productive” social dialogue and the signing of an agreement on well-being at work.

A new digital strategy for Arnaud Ngatcha

Arnaud Ngatcha, journalist and deputy mayor of Paris in charge of international relations, proposed a program focused on innovation and a digital offer for African youth. He also wants to study the relevance of a France 24 antenna in Spanish, and proposes to multiply the synergies and exchanges of content with other public media.

Tuesday, January 10, it will be the turn of Sylvain Attal, journalist and former deputy director of France 24 in charge of new media, and Pierre-Etienne Pommier, digital entrepreneur, to be auditioned by Arcom, which should quickly return its decision.

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