Five main roles and shots from the films of Sergei Shakurov – Rossiyskaya Gazeta

by time news

This actor is remembered, probably, by everyone who has seen at least once – in a movie, theatrical roles, or by chance, on the street. Sergei Shakurov – thanks to his talent, smile (“suddenly a stunning, charming, relaxing smile and you are ready for anything and you will follow him”, – Lyudmila Gurchenko once recalled) and appearance, perhaps, the most enviable role in his chosen profession – “hero”. And at the same time – the gift to play a variety of characters (“suddenly this smile disappears and such a Tatar Kayumovich creeps forward, stop, Lyusya, shut up” – and this is also Gurchenko). And films with Shakurov’s participation – “The beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov”, “At home among strangers, a stranger among friends”, “Visit to the Minotaur”, “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive” and many others are loved by no generation of viewers, and not only Russian …

And in 2021 he starred a lot – in the films “Native”, “Food block” and “Master”, a little earlier there was also the series “Dyatlov Pass”. Now he has more than 100 film roles on his account.

On January 1, People’s Artist Sergei Shakurov turned 80 years old.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated him on his anniversary. “Dear Sergei Kayumovich! Accept congratulations on your 80th birthday. You are distinguished by your bright dramatic talent, loyalty to the best traditions of the national acting school,” the president’s congratulatory message says, wishing the actor “health, prosperity and creative longevity.”

And Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin wrote in his congratulatory telegram: “For many years on the theater stage and in cinema you have been creating the brightest images, masterly reincarnating in heroes of different eras … I wish you inspiration, creative success, health and good luck.”

On his birthday, Sergei Shakurov, by the way, again decided to go on stage – in the play “Little Comedies” based on Chekhov, which is being staged at the Russian Song Theater.

Five main roles of Sergei Shakurov.

Of course, there are many more. But we have highlighted five. Because many of us have probably watched these films more than once. And in all his characters were very diverse: different characters, eras, images of the acting super task – the creative possibilities and performing gift of Sergei Kayumovich are really very impressive.

“One of our own among strangers, a stranger among our own.” (1974). Directed by Nikita Mikhalkov. Role – squadron commander Andrei Zabelin

A strict, reckless, desperate cavalryman, loyal to long-standing friendship, but adamantly looking for a traitor who killed his comrade and stole a bag of gold. In this film, Shakurov was remembered for his courage, rage, menacing speeches and leadership qualities, as well as for his adherence to principles, excellent sports training (the actor is a master of sports in acrobatism, but here he already famously rode horses) and swift desperate actions.

Quote meme: “Here it is a paper grave! They dug, buried a glorious cavalry soldier … Bald-maldo. I can’t anymore! Go away, I’ll hurt you!”

2. One Hundred Days After Childhood (1975). Director Sergei Soloviev

Yes, Sergei Shakurov has always been a brave actor. After such a role as in the film “At home among strangers, a stranger among friends” it was time to develop a heroic theme and play bright, charismatic leaders – commanders, intelligence officers, revolutionaries, factory directors.

And he chose the story about the pioneer camp. His character – sculptor Sergei, lyricist and romantic, in many ways disappointed, goes as a counselor to the children for the summer shift. In a pioneer tie, with a frown smile and not a cheerful look from under his eyebrows. He is trying to stage the performance “Masquerade” based on Lermontov with the children, to extinguish numerous conflicts, to teach them to think or at least have their own views on painting, feelings … Or, along the way, learn something from them.

Phrase-meme: “This picture is Sergey Borisovich, we know”

3. Beloved woman of mechanic Gavrilov (1981). Director Petr Todorovsky

Mechanic Gavrilov is Shakurov himself. And the beloved woman is the heroine of Lyudmila Gurchenko. Fantastic duo. A simple, down-to-earth, silent hard worker-mechanic whom she, Rita, is waiting for, and while everyone falls in love with her – such a sparkling, charming, graceful one that everyone falls in love with, and she refuses everyone and waits for him, in fact, almost not knowing … This film also starred Evgeny Evstigneev, Mikhail Svetin – many wonderful actors.

Shakurov himself later said about this film: “It is not so easy to play a role without a single word. I played a man who is spoken of throughout the film and whose appearance everyone is looking forward to, but he appears only at the very end of the film. , but I filmed only half a day! “

Phrase-meme: “You are not Gavrilov, are you? – I know. – And she needs Gavrilov. – God bless him, with Gavrilov. I finally met a woman who understands me and who can appreciate me.”

And one more: “Comrade Sergeant, you are more careful with the groom!”

4. Anna Pavlova (1983). Director Emil Loteanu

In this biographical film about the famous ballerina, Sergei Shakurov again impressively reincarnated. Now he was already showing “pas”, taught, and he himself demonstrated the technique of dance – in the role of the famous choreographer Mikhail Fokin.

For this, he studied for several months in the dance class of the musical theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. And this is also the edge of Shakurov’s talent – who has been a cavalryman, and a counselor-teacher, and a violinist (in the film “A Visit to the Minotaur) – now he has mastered the art of ballet.

Phrase-meme: “Don’t touch me, I’m flying!”

And one more: “Empires do not collapse from this.”

5. Crew (2016). Directed by Nikolai Lebedev. Remake of the Soviet 1979 film, with a different plot

And here Sergei Shakurov has already played the father of the protagonist – trainee pilot Alexei Gushchin, in the role of which is now Danila Kozlovsky.

This film has already been transferred to our times, there are different possibilities and special effects. Therefore, there is a volcanic eruption, and a rockfall, and a powerful thunderstorm front, and people falling out of the plane. In some ways it is even a disaster film, but, in fact, it is – about loyalty, honor, courage, betrayal and heroism – in fact, like the first “Crew” in 1979. And the role of the protagonist’s father, who also comes to the control room, is very important here.

Phrase-meme: “What kind of husband is he? He flies constantly in the squadron. How are you?”


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