Five other amazing and accessible artificial intelligence ‘apps’

by time news

And suddenly, ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence is on its way to completely transform the way in which users use technology. However, it is important for the user to be clear that the popular OpenAI chatbot, capable of answering practically any question that the user asks, is not the only interesting solution of its kind that is currently available.

So that you can test the technology a bit, and draw your own conclusions about its possibilities, at ABC we have selected a handful of easily accessible tools that you should dedicate at least some time to. Through them, you can get an idea about the potential of AI and even make your life a little easier if you are able to exploit them correctly and use a little imagination.

Bing with ChatGPT, another way to search the Internet

Microsoft’s great hope to completely transform the way we query the Internet. Bing with ChatGPT has been available as a test search engine for a few weeks now. If you are one of them, you will see that you can interact with the chatbot while making queries on the Net.

The tool’s ramblings have caused Microsoft to limit the number of questions per conversation to 6. It has also made changes to the AI ​​to prevent the tool from being able to talk about itself or about its feelings.

Although the operation is good in general, it is important that the user be careful with the information that the chatbot shares, because it is very easy for it to make mistakes. In the image shared below, for example, you can see how the machine affirms that Real Madrid currently has 13 Champions League and 34 League titles. Two pieces of information that are incorrect.

Beyond this, the bot can be useful for almost everything. It is able to compose text and edit it. You can create sports diets or make a bestseller list. Its possibilities are countless.

To search a little (more) regular

If you don’t have access to the Microsoft chatbot yet, and you want to see how an artificial intelligence-powered search engine works, you can try As in the case of Bing, this platform has a chat section so that the user can ask the machine questions.

The operation is very simple. Now, we warn you that the AI ​​fails more than a fairground shotgun. You herself explains on the home page that “sometimes I can offer some wrong answers.” As was the case with Bing, this chatbot also indicates the sources from which they drink their responses.

To chat with Super Mario or Elon Musk

One of the funniest solutions of its kind. Thanks to Character AI, the user can have conversations with chatbots that try to interpret all kinds of real and fictional characters, from Elon Musk and Queen Elizabeth of England to Super Mario. There are thousands of possibilities.

The solution works very well and, as it happens with tools like the new Bing or You, it is capable of perfectly understanding Spanish. The objective of the solution is that your different bots are able to offer credible answers taking into account who they represent.

The AI ​​allows the community to create their own character chatbots, whether real or fictional, and train them, making it a very complete tool and ideal for starting to tinker with conversational AI.

To draw

The first OpenAI bombshell in 2022. Thanks to this tool, the user can create images from a short description. The tool, which also allows content editing, is capable of delivering truly amazing results.

The bad thing is that, in the case of DALL-E 2, each account has a creation limit. As soon as you open the account, there are 50. Afterwards, each month you receive 15 free credits. If the user wants more, they must go through the box.

Be that as it may, the user should keep in mind that there are other interesting artistic AIs at their disposal. Among them, without a doubt, the most interesting is Midjourney, which has even won a photography and painting contest. The result offered by this tool is much more surprising and visual than what we can find in DALL-E 2. However, the process to use the tool is a bit more complicated.

Image created with Midjourney

R. A.

To inform you

An interesting tool although, we warn you, if you want to take advantage of it, you better know English. Artifact is an application specifically dedicated to offering you news according to your interests. Its operation, therefore, does not differ too much from that of applications such as TikTok, a service that has one of the algorithms that best recommends content.

It is available on iOS and Android terminals for free. As soon as it is installed, the user must select some interests. From there, it begins to fine-tune its news recommendations by looking at the content that the user consumes when browsing inside. The big drawback is that, for the moment at least, it only shows posts from Anglo-Saxon media.

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