Flexible solar panels: technological innovation

by time news

2023-12-01 16:28:20

The world of photovoltaics does not stop advancing and seems to be moving at a speed that we can barely keep up with. The technological innovations There are so many that almost every day we have a new solution with better performance or other improvements. Among these new contributions are the flexible solar panelsDo you know them?

Although research for the development of this type of solar boards They started more than a decade ago, it is now that the fruits are bearing results. Although there are several projects that are developing this type of photovoltaic modules, it is the German firm Heliatex that has already installed its products in several locations. flexible solar panels.

At the moment they do not distribute their product massively because production is still limited. That is the reason why even We cannot buy flexible solar panels in stores or distribution centers. At the moment this company selects its potential clients and only carries out specific and highly selected installations. However, the construction of new factories is already planned to increase production and be able to sell these panels to installation companies directly.

Features of flexible solar panels

Until recently, these types of plates had very small working powers, which only made them useful for small and individual applications. However, the new models developed have powers of 450 Wp, which makes them direct competition with traditional monocrystalline panels. In addition, they have other great advantages that their characteristics provide:

Ultralight solar panels

Los flexible solar panels They are made by printing a thin layer of light-absorbing material on a sheet of organic plastic. This means that its weight per square meter is minimal and, of course, significantly lower than the 17 or 20 kilos that the usual ones weigh. current photovoltaic panels. These are built with silicon wafers supported on an aluminum sheet about 3 mm thick, with a front protective glass and an aluminum frame that serves to hold the entire assembly.

Flexible solar panels

It is the main quality and what they are becoming famous for. As it is a deposition of the electricity-generating material on a plastic sheet, it maintains the flexibility property of the plastic. Therefore it can be rolled and adapted to curved surfaces during installation and work.

Ultra-thin solar modules

The particularity of its manufacturing and the materials that compose it, mean that the thickness of the flexible solar panels be just 2 or 3 millimeters. We can say that it is like a second skin with which we can cover buildings, windmills and industrial facilities.

Totally ecological solar panels

The components that make up the Flexible solar panels are organic compounds totally ecological. Its raw materials are abundant on earth naturally, so its total recycling is guaranteed. In addition, they do not use materials based on the so-called rare earths, no toxic substances such as cadmium or lead are used.

Great ease of installation

Las flexible solar panels have on the back of a self-adhesive substance which makes it easy to place on almost any surface. It has a plastic sheet that keeps the glue clean, in the same way that sanitary plasters or children’s cards are presented. The only process prior to installation is cleaning the surface, to eliminate dust or dirt that could impair proper adhesion and reduce adhesion.

In some circumstances, when the surface on which the installation is intended to be carried out is very porous and rough, it is advisable to paint it with a paint that is very resistant and that eliminates this roughness. In this way we prepare the wall or ceiling so that the Flexible solar panels adhere perfectly and for a long time.

Customizable photovoltaic modules

The technology and manufacturing method make it easier for The size of flexible solar panels can be customized. As long as the total surface area of ​​these photovoltaic modules justifies the order and is profitable, both for the manufacturer and for the end customer.

Integration of flexible solar panels in glass windows

Almost 500 million windows with a considerable surface area are installed around the world every year. Until now, these surfaces could only be used to a very limited extent for photovoltaic generationdue to the lack of adequate integration solutions, on or in glass, for the generation of electrical energy with the sun.

These Flexible solar panels provide the perfect solution to equip glass windows with an additional solar function. This generates electricity and also helps reflect heat, helping to reduce heat accumulation in buildings. On the other hand, the reduction of light that passes through is minimal, so the lighting contribution function of the window is hardly affected, the company states.

For its integration, its reduced thickness is taken advantage of. Are flexible solar panels can be integrated between glasses according to the sandwich principle, that is, placing the photovoltaic sheet between two glasses, like the “climalit” system. In addition, it can be manufactured in different dimensions depending on the size of the windows.

The efficiency of flexible solar panels, the Achilles heel

Unfortunately, although technology has given us the possibility of installing solar panels on most surfaces, their efficiency is still very limited. After carrying out different tests in the laboratory and in real operation, it has been proven that the current Flexible solar panels only give us 8% efficiency. Still far behind the 20% – 22% of the most advanced monocrystalline models of the moment.

However, the manufacturing company continues researching to find a material that can increase their efficiency and they estimate that in less than 10 years they will be on par with their rigid competitors.


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