Floods and floods: why concern increases when the rain-snow limit rises

by time news

2023-12-12 01:44:23

Rain… but not only that. Three departments of the Northern Alps were placed on orange alert on Sunday evening for the risk of flooding and several rivers were placed on flood alert, due to an explosive cocktail. On the one hand, a very rainy disturbance should bring around 100 mm of water and more than 150 mm locally (the equivalent of a full bathtub on 1 m2) in 48 hours by this Tuesday, December 12 in the evening. Furthermore, the thermometer has risen significantly compared to previous days.

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However, this mildness increases the rain-snow limit, that is to say the altitude below which the snow cover melts. Large quantities of snow accumulated at altitude are therefore liquefying at this time, aggravating the risk of floods, floods, mudslides, and even landslides in valleys whose soils are already waterlogged.

#Floods #floods #concern #increases #rainsnow #limit #rises

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