Florence, together better: the artisans of Sant’Ambrogio open Centocinque rosso

by time news

See beyond the crisis, invest in a new business model to relaunch your economy. Cecilia Falciai and Veronika Wick Focacci are two artisans: the first has been working for years with the mosaic and the Florentine salesman in his workshop in via dei Macci, the second, Austrian by birth and Florentine by adoption, restores works of art on paper and creates unique notebooks and agendas in via dei Pandolfini. A few days ago the souls of Centocinque rosso have been a shared showcase at number 105 in via dei Macci in Florence which opens to the public today at 2pm.

Veronika and I – Cecilia says – we met last year via Zoom on the occasion of meetings held by Cna during the first lockdown. We immediately found ourselves in tune in the proactive attitude of response that we must have had in this depressed moment for artistic craftsmanship in our city. We shared the idea that unity is strength and that before giving up the dream of a lifetime and our work even without the flow of customers and tourists, we could do more, putting ourselves on the line. Cecilia thus spotted a small fund that had been vacant for months in the street where she works. There was a real estate agency that perhaps closed due to the tourist rental crisis. I thought it might be the right place to create a new home for the artifacts that Veronika and I make. We are lucky enough to live in the central district of Sant’Ambrogio – they continue – still alive today with social fabric and residents. Even tourism in pre-Covid times in these streets has always been more permanent and also as small activities we have always found in the Il Canto Alla Mela association a glue to stay active in our territory. Thus, having reached an agreement on the rent, the owner of the fund was happy to give our project the space took shape and is now ready. We are happy to be welcomed by the other merchants of the neighborhood and are sure that from today, thanks to this place, we will be able to introduce two dimensions of artistic craftsmanship, that of scagliola and that of the binding of ancient books and work on paper, which almost seem like the whims of past and instead like them, as we verify from our social channels, even the very young.

In the atelier, a room of a few square meters, the two artisans exhibit their respective productions. There are Cecilia’s scagliola objects. Pop views of Florence but also lots of costume jewelery, earrings and brooches that this girl makes with an ancient technique. And there are Veronika’s papers, her diaries, hand-bound notebooks to be personalized with gold writing. The new offer is also the challenge of presenting the finished product and starting from this in the fascinating narrative of the manual processes that make them unique. Those who want to deepen and see the laboratory will be able to follow us in our respective ones that are here in the area.

And there are also many hopes to make this space alive. We would like to be able to present the new products we work on with a fixed recurrence, but also open up to the road and for this reason, together with the Canto alla Mela, we will participate in the tenders of the Municipality for the Florentine Summer. What we do not lack is the enthusiasm to leave and we do our best.

April 17, 2021 | 10:02

© Time.News


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