FOG – When Germany wakes up

by time news

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EDITORIAL. Let Germany rally to the French policy of hyper-indebtedness and super-deficits… and we shout haro on Franco-German friendship!

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Are we in 1870, 1914 or 1939? It took a big cold snap between the French president and the German chancellor for the old fantasies to suddenly resurface.

Revoilà le temps du “Germany above all in the world” (“Germany above everything in the world”), a formula that appears in the first verse of the “Song of the Germans”, which became the national anthem in 1922, under the Weimar Republic. The crisis has just begun, it will last for some time.

Germany is on the brink of economic disaster, a new situation for her, unlike France, which forces her to reassess Angela Merkel’s balance sheet downwards. The former Christian Democrat Chancellor, whom we have celebrated so much on this side of the Rhine, has accumulated bad decisions, often for…

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